30 September 2005

Hmm tiba2 rindu giler kat Idlan...time boring2 kat ofis sure akan belek balik fotopages dari awal sampai akhir....hmm be good at nursery ok sayang...takmo nakal2 pukul muka akak!

29 September 2005

hehehe saye dah ade 6 batang gigi!!!

praktis warm up, besar esok nak main basketball cam abah!

Idlan syok tgk mak ude dia mkn mee udang

28 September 2005

Idlan and diarrheoa

We decided to see paediatrician when Idlan's diarrheoa problem still persist after 1 week of suffering. Previously the GP at the nearby clinic advised us to stop giving milk and give him glucose instead. So Friday and saturday we just fed him with glucose and porridge. Sunday came, looks like he already recovered, so at noon we gave him milk...and sad to say Idlan cirit balik!!

So yesterday, after nearly 4 hours of dreadful waiting, we got to see the same paediatrician when Idlan was born 9 mths ago, Dr Sofiah Ali. She got jolted when we told her we fed idlan with glucose only. She even got surprised when we said that was what being informed by the local practitioner. And then she said why would we want to give him sweet things, of which logically is not good for health....it's like you're teaching him to prefer sweet things at an early stage and that was wrong! Even if idlan tak cirit pon she advised us to stop giving him glucose...no glucose at all! Better opt for plain water and fresh juices only.....and hehe both of us were just sitting there and nodded showing we comprehend and understand everything she said :)

She gave us a small tin of Bebelac FL (free lactose) and 3 sachets of med powder for treating cirit birit. She said all the bacterias/virus inside the body already vanished but Idlan's usus is still not fully recuperated, hence is not ready to digest lactose contains in milk.

p/s: pening pala pk bila jumpe doc ni ckp lain jumpe doc lain ckp lain...confuse!!!

23 September 2005

the baby soldier...

"come on sayang come on come on come on!!!"

Mama claps both hands cheerfully to encourage him to move forward.

He moves forward leisurely for the initial attempts...now he can move a bit faster than before.

Mama giggles when seeing him acting like that....sejibik cam ulat bulu :)

Other things that encourage him besides mama's big applause--> kaki buai dan botol2 susu :)

Luv u son! caiyo caiyo caiyo caiyooo!!!

14 September 2005


Suddenly i feel like doing something else beside the normal routine job i have now. But what would that be? Discussed about this with my husband, there we came out with a few probable things to do. We streamlined and rationalize the ideas, so here it goes! We'll experiment the 'thing', look for its strength and weaknesses, analyse the opportunity, but pls hopefully no threats upcoming along the way hehe....

What is the 'thing'? Humm let us keep it PNC first..if it works, then i'll sure to make a major broadcast on this! After all, it's going to be a 'kecil-kecilan' thingy :p

P/s: tak sabor nak buat experiment weekend nih :)

10 September 2005

BKS farewell and birthday celeb!

It is now 1.22pm and sad to say we still got another 2 hours ++ before we can fill our starving stomatches with sumptuous delicacies ordered for our BKS function. So what do we have for this coming evening jamuan?
We'll gonna have roti jala+kari ayam, laksa penang, fried meehoon, satay, cream caramel, rojak buah, fruits, and not to forget the ever most awaiting Secret Recipe chocolate indulgence and white chocolate macademia! Adoiii laparnyerr peruttsss!!! Some of us already go in and out of the pantry, looking for something to be stuffed inside before the jamuan starts. Myself already had koko crunch and 2 slices of butter bread early in the morning....but that were still not enough to cater for the spacious stomach i have hehe....hmm now we all knew betapa seksanya menunggu pukul 3 petang!

We'll be celebrating 7 staffs who had left 1090 and 25 staffs, whose birthday fall from May till Dec 2005. Since the last time we had our jamuan was on April, we the committees decided to get 2 cakes for this event nyum nyummm :)))

Tak sabarnyer nak pulun!!!