Syukur Alhamdulillah, our small family gathering cum Firas’s
birthday celebration turned out well and proceeded as planned. Being a mak yong
who is still in the early stage, I had to take an off day on Friday to do the
prep i.e. do the shopping, siang ayam daging, masak nasi impit and agar-agar,
etc. Me and hubby also had a quick outing to Jusco for my birthday’s lunch
treat and scouting for Firas’s birthday gift. I’ve also intended to bake a marble
cheese brownie the same day, but the plan did not materialize anyway. Too tired
already plus we also had open house jiran that night which the mommies
(especially!) mkn2 and borak like nobody business from 9.20pm until almost 12
midnight! huhhh
Penat? yes definitely. I had to take panadol that night, mmg
sakit kepala yg amat. Happy? of course!!! Seronok dapat jamu orang2 tersayang
dengan hasil air tangan sendiri yg tak seberapa. Most importantly, the chance
to strengthen the loves n bonding that already exists amongst us, that’s
priceless. Our kids especially the birthday boy pun mmg sgt2 hepi dapat
celebrate besday dgn cousin2 mereka…Alhamdulillah.
Do we want to have another round of makan2 next year? Insya
Allah. tapi catering la kotss hihi…tak larat la nak masak utk ramai orang.
Kudrat dah kureng…baru masak sikit dah sakit pinggang yg amats.
cake topper buat last minute :)
surprise birthday gift!
with umi and papa
pak ngah's family
chocolate indulgence by SR
the surprise gift i.e. Bumblee bee stands proud next to the cake hehe
cousins dah berkumpul n ready
host of the day..muka keletihan amats