06 February 2006

dear, the July intake does exist! i wasnt wrong and am certainly good at making assumption dont u think so? it was found that mmu hasnt updated their brochure since when-i-dunno- and they do actually offer intake in july yuhuuu....all my certs and application form are now ready to be sent:)

anyone out there interested? do come and join me, classes on weekdays, min duration 1.5 yrs, max 5 yrs (lamanyer!), fees RM21.4k but you can seek for T* sponsorship probably in April/May, hmm ape lagi eh...ha bley kita form group assemen sesama jom!


  1. aku interested, tapi mmu jauh sgt ler beb.. muehehehe

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    go yati go...semoga cita2 mu berjaya..heheh

  3. go go yati..all the best my dear!

  4. hehe tima kasih sumer...doakan saye tak ubah fikiran sebelum bulan july tiba! hhehehe

    aida - alaa ape sgtla jauh mmu ngan gombak beb, kalo weekend jln lengang sure tade hal nyer.

  5. Anonymous8:51 AM

    ha baru boleh tinggalkan comment.

    go girl! bet you can do it.

    ps: jom beli batik srikandi, nanti boleh pakai ke ofis sesama..

  6. batik srikandi bende nih ummi?? eh ummi kat floor mana erk>

  7. All the best! Maju & terus maju! Lambat lg July tuuuuu

  8. batik srikandi where can get? i bet it must be a combination of green and yellow isnt it? :p

    kaezrin - srikandi jugak kah anda?
    maju maju maju segera maju..berbaris menempuh rintangan...xxxx

    farra - terpaksa tunggu july la beb, else kena fork out duit sendiri mane nak korek hehe

  9. yati, moga sama2 kita tak tersungkur buat kali kedua, hihi

  10. p/s kalau masuk UIA, sure ko boleh jd best student :P

  11. beb, kan aku dah ckp, aku asal berjaya abis satu course and dpt konvo jadikla hehe

    ko tak abih2 promote uia ko eh hehe

    p/s: semlm aku mimpi konvo..dlm mimpi tu ayah aku soh abg aku available kan diri bulan 9 sbb nak attnd konvo dik nur! apekah petandanye tuh?? hahaha dasat btul penangan mba kali ni sampai masuk mimpi beb!
