26 February 2008

mari membebel

Penat la sehari dua ni. Penat ngan assigment, penat ngan keje, stress dgn customer. Ni excerpt from email customer, dari kelmarin sampai hari ni dia buat saya migrain dan stress....hilang pahala puasa saya dek sumpah seranah yg kuar dari mulutku ini. Email dia membuatkan darah saya menyirap, bila berckp dalam telefon, adus lagi hundred times menyirap...mujur tak kena heart attack. Kalau ade 3 org perangai macam ni, confirm saya kena high blood pressure.

You are trying to tell me some reason on this and that and yes or no, and trying to blame me because of the failed test yesterday.
Please barr in mind the issue we have submitted for 2 weeks and your join test previously no avail too.

I am here not to hear any reason or explanation.
I am here to seek for resolution and solve the case immediate and this is what you suppose to do.
I am here to pay portion of your salary.

We really disappointed after yesterday xxx blame, this morning xxx blame.
I don’t think you feel sad and sorry about the case pending for 2 weeks and the case getting serious and serious.

Cut the words short, the traffic start to re-direct today.
It is not easy to build the business relationship. You have broken it.

Well, apa yg saya dan bos tahu, kami tak salah...we're on the right side. Dia yg tak faham, berlagak pandai, taknak cooperate, hanya tahu memblame company kami, etc etc %$%$%##%#%#%^%^

Yang paling lawak, bila dia kata dia nak route away from company kami a.k.a. nak end kan the business relationship, tiba-tiba tak lama kemudian datang email baru menyuruh kami continue solve kan problem dia....bukankah ke itu sangat tak malu? ohhh tidakkkkk saya tak paham kenapa this kind of customer boleh wujud dalam dunia ini! Ya Allah..kuatkanlah tahap kesabaran saya........saya taknak migrain lagi esok..kes ni masih tak settle...stressnyer rasa :( Saya cume berharap dia tak escalate kes ni ke VP..kalo tidak abisla kami.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    errkkk aku baca gak email ni semalam. part "I am here to pay portion of your salary." yang aku tak tahan tu. pastu dah not willing to test ngan kita anymore. tah hape2 ehehehhehe

  2. i think u better keep his e-mail as proof - satu cerita fasal salary portion & the other one, yg minta tolong korang tu
    aku tak heran kalau mamat tu escalate kat VP
    i'd one difficult experience before, nasib baik mamat tu berhenti kerja dari co dia...kalau tak...

  3. ohh segala email2 dia mmg aku simpan...byk lagi yg pedas2 buat aku sakit otak...kalo aku paste sumer buat semak blog aku jer muehehhe

    lucky this type of customer cuma muncul once in a blue moon..kalo everyday ade camni cfm aku angkat white flag

  4. met, mmg behaviour customer camtu..dlm environment mass masket, mmg dah selalu dpt surat tru VP/CEO. Berjela2 la report kene buat tapi report sampai situ je lah...

  5. OH. Ni mesti customer untuk product aku kan? Aku pon dah bosan giler. Boleh tak company kita tak payah jual product ni? Series aku dah naik menyampah.
