05 May 2008

"Selamat Harijadi Sayang!"
Semoga panjang umur, dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik, dimurahkan rezeki dan diberkati segala amal dan perbuatan yg dilakukan di dunia ini. Dan semoga segala cita-cita awak akan menjadi kenyataan :) Kite sayang awak slalu!

- We had a pre-celebration at Paddington on the labor day, and spent about 5-7 minutes just to decide on what to order...like the twins said, they're offering nearly 138 different dishes for selection...pening pala den nak pk!
- The oven finally gets the chance to back into action after 4-5 months of hibernation period...lama tuh :p
- I still owe him a card and present....tak sempat nak beli kad, hadiah plak tak tahu nak beli ape!
- The birthday boy requested for a special dish, so i made spaghetti alfredo...our favourite! But i ended up spending RM5.50 at mamak stall for lunch since i was already late for our group discussion huhuhu


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    paddignton itu di mana ya? cam best jer nak try :)

  2. midvalley- opposite chicken rice.
    dia nyer specialty are pancakes

    'Paddington house of pancakes' full name dia hehe

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    sedapnyer kek yati....nyum nyum....
    cam ngidam plaks...hahah...
    thanks yer yati...;-)

  4. fuh fuh kasik tempias sket. Balqis dah besar tuh ape lagi muehehe :p

  5. bday hasben akak 14/4, semalam 7/5baru kasi present he.. he..

  6. hehe akak masih belum masuk labor room eh :)
    besday husband saye 3/5..so baru lambat 4 hari :p

  7. Anonymous10:39 AM


    boley tk share resipe spageti alfredo tu??


  8. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Thanx my Hunny Bunny & other frens for the kind wishes
