24 June 2008

We've made our full payment to lawyer today. Received discount for a few hundreds, it might be immaterial to some but to us...huhh dah cukup bagusla tuh :) Rezeki jugak kan!

Adik baby's clothes have been arranged nicely in his drawers, cleaned and folded. I've washed the curtains, my first time indeed ever since we moved in :p Umi has sewn (betul ke ni ape past tense sew?) a new mickey curtain for adik, am yet to see it in the next few weeks. Think of getting a new stroller since we already gave the one used by Idlan to his cousin. And yes a car seat as well, since we never have that before. Perhaps this might justify for another shopping trip next july? j-card day some more jgn marah org CBJ :p

We applied for a fixed line and streamyx, only just now to find out from the 100 operator that "tiada kemudahan servis di tpt anda." Apa kes ni...neighbour depan kami dah ade line. Musnah harapan nak berblogging time pantang :(


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    terasa spt nak beli handbag baru ahahahah

    tapi kena tanye menteri kewangan dulu, adakah usul diluluskan ;P

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    yang part tade perkhidmatan tuh, yati jiran tuh apa nombor tepon dia. pastu check dkt cass terus apa address actual & cabinet number org tuh guna. Pastu baru leh tau sebenarnya ada perkhidmatan ke tak..

    kengkadang address kat cass tuh different ngan address pos.. biasa la kan.. ahhahah..

  3. tu la org 100 tu advise gitu. takut dp penuh je huhuhu.
    semah leh tlg check cass ke..passwordku dah expired :p

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    ambik le gambo drawer adik baby..hehe..nak gak tgk..

    amboi shopping je keje mama idlan ni ek..

    dah lame jugak daku tak shopping..baju raya pun blom beli lagik..hehehe..bile la nak beli ni...


  5. marilah bershopping sementara masih larat jln :p
    gambo nnt eh...tgh pk nak hias ape atas drawer tuh hehe

  6. yati..ko tgk olimpik cukupla kalau tak dpt streamyx

  7. aku kalau tak ada streamyx mati jiwa
    nak baca blog orang, nak baca forum buku....hehehe
    sebab rumah aku tak ada astro

  8. aku nak streamyx time pantang jer best sket tak bosan hehe

  9. stroller boleh beli kendian tapi baby car seat kena beli cepat. kena train dok dalam tu dari kecik lagi plus bila ada more than one kid dalam keta, macam2 hal nanti nak kena handle. taktaulah idlan tapi iman tu.. isk.. macam2 aksi dia buat.

  10. yati, kita org last semester je pilih lecturer. tu pun untuk subjek elektif. sebelum ni terima je apa yang ada...kecturer aku ramai kedekut markah. tercekik lah kita org...GPA pun tak tinggi mana

  11. GPA/CGPA tak penting beb :)
    Yg penting ko nak grad dah muehehhe

  12. Anonymous5:08 PM

    gune celcom3g laa..
