18 January 2009

celebration of love

1. It supposed to be a surprise at my mom's office. Nevertheless due to me waking up late, an hour spent at tesco to do some provisions, and settling the normal errands back at home, the cuppies and cake were only ready late afternoon. So we just brought the cake to my parents' on saturday and eat together with my bro's family.

Happy Birthday Umi and Pa! And Happy Anniversary to both of u!
I can never thank you enough for being the most loving, reasonable and wonderful parents to all of us. May Allah bless both of you, in whatever things you do, today and hereafter...amin.

plain cheesecake, poured with ganache & topped with
choc curl n fresh berries

Choco attack!!! Berries i luv u cuppies :)

Choco duo

Swirly lovey (my niece mistakenly thought tis is cornetto ice cream hehe)

last but not least, buttercream cuppies for idlan :p

2. And just after we got back home, i had a severe gastric attack sigh~
Pretty bad this time that i needed to curl myself like a prawn to ease the pain.
3. Firas had his 5 months shot yesterday. He now weighs 7kg.


  1. wah sempat buat cake ada Firas pon..nampak tempting btol cuppies tu..aku sendiri tak pernah letak strawberry..beli kat tesco ke buahnya?

    rumah dah ada streamyx?

  2. bestnya....
    suka tgk cheese cake dengan choc ganache tu

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    tempting..temptingg. trasa nak ngap ada, nak buat pun ada.

    adoila, cepat ler masuk rumah sendiri!

  4. farra- firas anto nursery time tuh :p
    yep beli kt tesco.
    streamyx baru psg lst week.

    aini- very rich yet sooo sinful muehehe. Ko jadi amik phd? rajinnyerrrr korang!!!

    huda- bila umah nk siap? house- warming harus tau!

  5. cis. dah la cuti last minit, bos tak cakap pon boleh cuti, rerupanya tak menjadi pon surprise dia. dah tu, monday datang keje seketul cupcake pon tader. nasib baik bos on diet :-p

  6. camno nak surprise..kol 4 lebey baru siap sumer.

    cupcakes licin kekanak mkn. Utk mu insya allah next time saye wat dijamin bwk!
