29 July 2010

flower ball?

Remember i was kind of a bit stress and annoyed yesterday just because of these few ppls yg keep on bugging me with issues n problems with a quotation that we're currently working on together. So yesterday out of the blue i made a quick stop at the Jusco nearby our house on my way back home just to buy this.......

1 stalk of white & big flower ball, another stalk of smaller version, plus some orange-colored flowers. Well to be frank it's my first time in life buying flowers and put it in our house...(ape kena mengena stress dgn bunga yer i also do not see the connection hoho)

and guess what....

my small boy mistakenly thought they were 'balls' right after he came back from school. He was about to touch and cabut the 'balls' sambil sebut 'bula bula!' but lucky dgn pantasnya i shouted 'firas don't touch!'....terus mamat tu terkejut n tak jadi pegang :p

the whole view....the flower ball after being combined with my existing ranting2 kayu. Does it looks ok to you...or serabut? ntahla seriously me got no skill to evaluate the artistic value for things like these tapi Pruzz kata ok jer :p

It's either me picking up the wrong choice...or something wrong with the flower's design haha

Lepas ni confirm tak boleh beli bunga dah!


  1. Anonymous2:12 AM

    yati, cun! ok jer bunga letak2 tu, tak perlu skill pon utk menggubah.. kite pon takde langsung bnga dalam rumah hehehe

    bila nak reveal interior yg baru itu?


  2. nak tgk kena dtg umah ler lawat bby nnt :)

    gubah kena ade skill jugak tau...mcm mak kita rajin gubah n tukar2 bunga. malangnye trait dia tak menurun ke kite hehe

  3. terus terang aku pon ada..dan menyesal...menyemak jek...then muaz salu tarik2...day by day sket2 ianya jatuh..aku rasa nak campak aje

  4. firas ok mendengar kata...tak tahula adik dia esok camner :p

  5. tu la ade bunga ni menambah keje aku...nak kene lap..yg jatuh2 kene sapu =)

  6. kena tanye cik abe dia mau reveal ke idak :p
