19 September 2010

piling up...

Went to a small family gathering at my brother's house today.
I ate non-stop - nasi beriyani, spaghetti bolognese, bubur jagung, bread pudding, agar2, muffin and not forgetting biskut raya!

Suddenly i noticed a scale behind one of the dining chairs. Stepped on it and wallahhh...it stopped exactly at 60kg. That means i piled up another 4kg within just 2 weeks...scary la pulak takut diabetic huhuhu hope my gynae will not nag about it :p

Anyway, i just refill my balang biskut raya for the 3rd times. Mind you no one has ever comes to our house yet, which means only me and hubby yg pulun the biscuits :) I guess that explains where parts of the 4 kg came from.......


  1. wah byknya naik berat

  2. tu la harap2 esok time check up sumer ok..risau plak aku naik gedebuk camni hoho
