27 October 2010

black out

It was black out last night in our housing area, lasted for about 2 hours from 12.30am.
The first thing that occured in my mind, gosh my ebm!
Hubby tried to call TNB to no avail, the lines were soooo bz.
After the dreaded 2 hours, I was already thinking to transport the ebm to someone's house.
Dah terfikir rumah Zarid, Kak Tie, Zue, etc. But then again, it just doesn't make sense to ring people at 2am in the morning!

Lucky the provider managed to fix it before 3am.
Syukur :)


  1. sms je ke 15454

    aku gune svc tu mmg cepat

    kami pon salu down but gitu la paling lama 2 jam jek

  2. slalu call mmg dpt...tp mlm td bz plaks. call center depa mmg efficient compared to us :p

  3. takper insyaallah kalau dalam peti setakat 4 jam takder letrik cair sikit2 (provided peti tak selalu dibuka)

  4. tu la zue...tgk 2 jam black out susu still elok beku :)

  5. -secret admirer-2:17 PM

    bukan bz..drg saja engagekan phone

  6. rumah akak pon golap pada malam kejadian huhu

  7. rumah akak pon golap pada malam kejadian huhu
