25 June 2012

Congrats my dear Idlan!

Last week he came back home and break the news to me...mama! idlan dah tahu dpt no brape...in a not-so-convincing tone that i first thought...omg dpt no belas-belas la nih. But then when he said he got no 3...i was like legaaaa & syukur...n terus ckp "gud job sayang congrats!"

Last Saturday there was a parent-teachers meet up day...part of it was to hv a look at their xm results & to know our kids' progress at school. His class teacher said idlan was quite shy & doesnt like to volunteer..in other words he's not outspoken enough. Attitude is good..x nakal..cuma tu la pemalu sket..cam mama dia hehe

Today he came back n showed me a note written by his teacher. Ohh ade perubahan dlm marks dia. I knew it well becoz i've checked all his paper n there were few marking mistakes done for his english paper.

Next time parents2 di luar sana jgn segan2 nk cek paper anak2 anda. Biasalah salah kira..salah tanda..that's quite norm but still we need to highlight to the teachers.

Semlm we brought the kids to watch Madagascar 3. It was ammar's first cinema outing but surprisingly he behaved well thru out d movie :) And as promised abah got for idlan gasing beyblade while i bought for him jam baru...tiruan of course mane leh pakai ori! Si abg dpt jam baru...si adik pon indirectly dpt jam baru jugak...cumelsss i like!!

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  1. hebat anak akak!! hihi tahniah kpd mama..

  2. Alhamdullilah, tahniah wat cu nek umi I know you can do it well, bila nak tidur dgn nek umi lgi mcam diPerth?

  3. tahnah idlan! good job mummy
    oh itu ammar mmg behave btol ..kat dlm flight pon sgt behave

    btw, mus'ab tadak sistem nombor la ni

  4. Wahh bijak sama mcm mama n abah nya...

  5. Skla pon ikut kssr..tp no terpaksa diwujudkn sbb akhir thn ade majlis penyampaian hadiah...kalo ikut band susah plak kn...

    Gud job to abah sama actually sbb sesama ajar idlan :)
