22 June 2013

Takut ke bekam??

Such a long hiatus from my last entry, lose the energy to blog again dear self???
To me blogging needs some kind of mood, and it relates to momentum as well. The moment u lose the right momentum, there u go falling off the track.

So what's new with my life recently? i guess a lot of things happened of late, which i dont think i can write and share everything in this space. But one of the biggest things that worth mentioning, i went to bekam on last Sunday!! With one of my geng lunch, Aini :) Aini heard about this pusat terapi bekam Al-Hajari from the facebook, which she later shared with us the geng lunch over the watsapp (well we shared a lot of things over this medium - pool beli shawl, pool beli tudung, beli blouse, gossip, cerita pasal food, tpt makan best, tips2 nak kuruskan badan or any body flab, some of us shared our calories burnt everytime we finished doing work out, and the very last thing that i can recalled, pool beli collagen!! such a variety of topic and things that we do n share, which is why catching up with geng lunch is important and becomes our routine!).

 So to cut it short me and Aini booked a slot with this center, and went for our bekam session with the owner called Baiti. Her husband and her operates the center from home, which to us is quite convenient coz the service is very personalized, cuma yang tak best we need to queue before our turn comes up sebab session dibuat one after another...bukan simultaneous few ppl at one particular time.

Why did i agree to go for bekam? well this is the first in my life, and just because i had frequent migrain attack these few weeks i think i need to scout for alternatives, rather than relying on pain killer (i.e. ponstan) every time i had the attack. In my case i have to take at least 6 biji ponstan in a day each time i had the migrain, which is bad seriously! and of course not good for my liver and kidney in long term! I am tired taking the ponstan, and because of this i agreed to try out the bekam, some more this is one of the Prophet sunnah, so why not try kan?

I let Aini to start her session first, because Aini already had few bekam experience before unlike me, yg agak nervous hari tuh! Aini had 19 points altogether, which is scary! (haha takdela scary actually, tak sakit mcm bersalin ok!). Baiti will advise how many and at which points area we need to put the cup according to our prescriptions pasal diri kita sakit apa dan sebagainya. For me yg kerap migrain, she decided that i should hv 13 cups, 1 at the back of my head, 2 kat leher, 3 kat bahu, 2 di belakang lutut and the rest was scattered on my back. Mula2 buat bekam angin, utk memecahkan angin2 di bwh kulit supaya senang darah keluar...time ni mmg best giler, rasa mcm org urut yg kuattttt giler. Serius rasa lega amat! Then after 10min barulah dia akan cucuk beberapa points sebelum letak semula cup utk start bekam darah. Cucukan kat leher paling sakit, mungkin sbb leher lembut...so rasa lenguh dan sedikit sakit bila darah keluar...tempat lain alhamdulillah rasa ok jer. Sakit dia 'bearable' la....serius semua orng boleh try. Sesi kami berlangsung hampir sejam kot....darah paling byk keluar kat kepala dan leher...mmg sesuai la dgn migrain ku tuh :p

Overall, both of us rasa pusat terapi ni sgt ok...harga sgt murah berbanding tpt lain (hanya RM5 per cup, RM10 per cup utk kepala)...ada tpt lain charge RM20-30 per cup tau! Alat2 dan tatacara kebersihan nmpk memuaskan...lepas settle dia sterilize cup2 yg digunakan sebelum recycle utk customer lain.  Sempena ramadhan ni depa buat promosi 11 cup RM40! Utk aku 13 points hari tu cuma byr RM55, while Aini RM80.

So far selepas seminggu berbekam hanya sekali kena migrain (stress kena wat paper board yg terpaksa tukar dan amend ntah berapa puluh kali huhu). Dlm masa yg sama saya tgh pantang nescafe...dah 2 minggu stop minum nescafe. Jadi breakfast setiap pagi ditemani susu dutch lady perisa coklat atau strawberry..ok what sedap pon sedap kan hihi. Kata Baiti antara makanan yg patut kita amalkan adalah kurma, jus delima dan madu...ni 3 serangkai yg penting utk amalan harian. Susu kambing pon elok...mmg menjadi amalan Rasullullah...tapi saya tak penah minum hoho. Oh lupa nescafe tu tak bagus sbb kandungan caffeine yg tinggi tu memekatkan darah, yg mane akan meninggikan tekanan di salur darah dan buat dia jadi meregangn...jadi boleh juga menjadi penyebab kpd sakit darah tinggi! Nauzubillah takut bila dengar...sbb tu nekad nak stop dulu nescafe buat sementara waktu...

Migrain berlaku kerana salur darah ke otak kita tersumbat..mungkin disebabkan corak pemakanan, stress, cuaca panas atau terlalu sejuk, etc. Saya perasan yg saya mmg senang kena migrain bila stress. Stress sket terus migrain...dahsyat betul..konfem esok2 takleh jadi big boss! hehe

Bagi anda yg teringin nak try bekam tapi takut...nasihat saya pegi jelah try..mmg worth it!
Takdelah sakit sgt pon...time cucuk tu mcm rasa kena gigit semut (tapi 1 cup tu byk kali gak dia cucuk ade dekat 7-8 kali kot hehe). Kalo nak compare dgn sakit contraction nk bersalin...uishhh mmg incomparable lah! hehe

Ikut Baiti, seelok2nya buatlah bekam every 40 days. Paling elok buat bila anda berpuasa, kerana badan akan concentrate utk proses penyembuhan dan tak bz nak mencernakan makanan (sbb tu org operate kena pose, amik darah kena pose). Kalau nk try, pegila ke pusat2 yg boleh dipercayai. Ada jugak kawan saya cerita, dia penah pegi bekam style toreh2 bukan cucuk tuh...jadi excessive bleeding kat kepala...uish dgr pon horror. Aspek kebersihan pon sgtla penting. Kalo x bersih, huish nauzubillah takut kita terjangkit penyakit org lain kan!

So kalau tanya saya lain kali nak pegi lagi tak..jawapan saya adalah YA :)

1 comment:

  1. murah kan beb. I'm surprised it was cheap. Dan aku rasa lepas ni jadi frequent customer dia kut :D. yup, my only complaint sebab katil ada satu je
