10 December 2013

Happy 9th Birthday my dear Idlan Farhan!

He is my only boy who made the mother having to undergo the c-sect procedure somewhere 9 years ago. It was a painful labor experience as compared to his other two younger brothers, but i believe Allah knows better what is best for His servant. Raising him was far more difficult than what we can ever imagined as a first-time parents, but syukran to Allah, we do learnt a lot during those days. Now he grows up as a healthy boy, very obedient, sensitive, rajin bila disuruh, and most importantly, he doesnt miss his 5x solat fardhu everyday. He is doing quite well in school, though not consistently stay at the top, to us he has already performed and did his best. Most importantly, we hope he can strike the balance and always put Islam and iman as his pillar in whatever undertakings. May you be protected by Allah all the time, jangan tinggal solat, kena sayang dan jaga adik2 baik-baik tau. Mama, Abah, Firas and Ammar luv u loads abang Idlan!!!

 My very first card for him...hope he will keep this properly sampai lah besar nanti :)

 Ok it was not easy to have the me-time to write on this card. Kena menyorok dlm bilik sebab Ammar sibuk nak 'tulis' atas kad tu sama!

with his abah during his school's appreciation day. He landed at no 4 in class..jatuh 2 anak tangga dari mid term hehe..and got mata pelajaran terbaik for Bhs Arab. Next yr he got selected as a prefect, i know well he's gonna like the job sebab dpt tulis nama budak nakal atas buku nota! Like what he always did at the Kafa :p


  1. Happy 9 abang idlan. Semoga membesar menjadi anak yang soleh, pelindung adik-adik juga mama dan abah... :)

    MMg best ek jadi prefect...bab tulis nama tu mmg paling gah rasanya... :)

  2. haha ye ke k.ct rasa gah kekeke. saya penah terjumpa buku nota penuh dgn nama budak2...bila tanye dia, baru tahu laaaa rupanya nama budak2 yg buat kesalahan hihi
