10 April 2015

Day 10 post op...cont'd

Later this evening mama had a talk with the dietician. Mama was given a choice whether to continue with EBM or to switch to a special formula for anti reflux (AR). LM and GERD always co-exist, known facts, undeniable and proven true based on sharing by other malacia mommies around the world. Mama tahu in US they hv been using thickeners to thicken their infants feeds, so as to prevent milk fr coming up to the larynx n further cause irritation n inflammation, which would worsen the LM. But since sayang is now on tube fed, theres no way they can use thickeners for ur ebm, as that is meant for oral/bottle feeding.

It was not an easy decision sayang. Mama nangis masa buat keputusan depan dietician tadi..to give up ebm and put u on formula. Not only that i no longer can bf u, rezeki sayang utk ebm pun terpaksa diberentikan buat masa ni. I just hope im making the right decision, moga Allah tunjukkan jln yg terbaik buat mama.

We're still looking up for all the possibilities sayang...whether it was the reflux, or the infection, or inflammation..etc that is hindering u from fast recovery. The lung specialist was also talking bout possibilities of we taking u home together with the cpap/oxygen machine...means sayang kena terus rely on machine to assist u with the breathing. Sedihnya hati mama sayang...tuhan je yg tahu.

Hari2 yg dilalui semakin mencabar rasanya. As much as i wanted n determine to stay strong, any new developmnt n news from the doctors could easily shattered my strength. Duhai hati, tolonglah tabah...


  1. Semoga Allah tunjuk yg jalan yg terbaik Yati..amin YR

  2. Yati, hugs dear. Moga Allah memberi kekuatan untuk yati sekeluarga

  3. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan dan sihatkan Irfan.boleh balik rumah main dgn abang2.stay strong mett!
