29 May 2015

My 4mo baby Irfan

My special baby insya Allah will undergo his 2nd surgery nx Monday..a procedure called  tongue lip adhesion. It wasnt an easy decision for both of us, but we hope that it is going to be the last one, and that it will be a success to improve his breathing.

Irfan has turned 4mo, which means he had spent the last 2mo in the hospital ever since his supra surgery.

Me? honestly i am still struggling to find the courage that irfan needs from his mother. I find myself to be happy at certain days, but most of the times i am at my lowest point. Being away from home, separated fr my 3 other boys, and having to see the condition of my poor Irfan 24by7, it is really painful. It breaks my heart, day n night. I know i wouldnt be able to persevere, if it is not bec of my dear hubby who keeps on being positive n stay on my side throughout this trial period.

Irfan sayang, maafkan mama sebab terlalu lemah yer. Mama akan cuba kuat demi Irfan. Moga Allah sembuhkan sayang mama sepenuhnya amin...


  1. mak ude4:15 PM

    One day at a time k.yati..ujian Allah untuk insan2 terpilih..my dua' and love always.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    InsyaAllah irfan akan sihat...moga kalian berdua sentiasa kuat..

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Hidup adalah perjalanan yg panjang
    Hujungnya sejauh pandangan mata
    Adakala laluannya makin payah
    Sedangkan kaki kita mula lelah
    Dan langkah kita makin lemah
    Hanya hati yg sarat dgn keyakinan terhadap janji dan rahmat Allah sahaja
    akan kekal kuat dan tidak pernah merasa sendiri.....

  4. Love and pray for Irfan & mama πŸ’œ

  5. Love and pray for Irfan & mama πŸ’œ

  6. Love and pray for Irfan & mama πŸ’œ

  7. My prayers are always with you and your family, dear Yati. May Allah ease your burden. May baby Irfan recovers quickly.

  8. Kak yati, hugs and kisses to irfan and you. Speedy recovery irfan sayang πŸ’
