I think i've tried my best to be as active as possible.
What with the gardening, outing to shopping mall, cooking..not to mention driving to the office and stuck in the traffic (like today i've spent almost 1.5hr in the car and arrived home past the maghrib time huhu).
Few colleagues of mine were quite surprised to see me in the office today. There is this one kakak said i look energetic and active like i'm not expecting something, except my bulging tummy is looking more obvious than usual. Another colleague asked when am i going to take mc since my edd is this coming Sunday, and when i replied i'm not sure either, he then said 'selamba je ko ni, aku tgk ko main ping pong pon macam still larat lagi!'
I made jokes with Semah & Ijah...if it happens that my waterbag broke at the office, i'll get Ijah to drive me over to An-Nur

Whatever it is, let's see what my gynae says during tomorrow's check up.
Fret not, this lil baby is making his mama more anxious from day to day.
I've never experience natural birth before, as such those 'what if(s)' questions keep on popping up inside my head. What if air ketuban pecah, what if keluar tanda darah tapi tak sakit, what if sakit sikit2 tapi bearable...what if sakit and i'm stuck in the traffic jam....what if sakit tgh malam and hubby needs to drag the other 2 kiddos to the hospital as well and no one is there to accompany me in the labor room....ish byk lagikla 'what if' yg kufikirkan! Tu belum campur what if saya tak reti meneran macam time firas dulu?? aduiii susah betul bila soalan2 tu sumer berpusing2 di dlm kepala ni :p
sabar.. aku pun masa nak bersalin fikir macam-macam, tapi Allah mudahkan.. doa water bag pecah kat rumah, doa persiapan semua OK, doa supaya ada orang menolong di rumah. apehal pun kena arrange dah nak due ni, sesiapa boleh bergegas ke rumah ataupun sesiapa boleh tumpangkan anak kau 2 orang tu kejap masa kau ke hospital
yati, teringat pulak citer air mata nur salina masa umi aida bersalin dlm teksi nauzubillah mtk dijauhkan. ayu masa nak bersalinkan saeed dulu pun mcm2 what if yg timbul dlm kpl otak.. tp insyaAllah, Allah permudahkan semuanya
mmg btol la kite fikir memacam..ala opismate ko mesti hantorkan ko punya..cam kes kitowang kat sini, mmg opismate yg hantarkan ke spital
tp cam aku tak risau sgt kot sbb mmg water bag sume pecah naturally waktu dlm LR..lps tu aku mmg almost all bersalin mlm..sbb tu la anak2 aku ni mencabar malam2 kot eheheh :p
baca yassin je everyday and take rest during mc ni ok?
haah yati.. i think u should request for MC dah ni.. semoga selamat semuanya :)
aida - mak aku akan bergegas dr ampang utk take care the kids kalo ade pepe :)
ayu- yer apa2 kita minta dr Dia...Dia je yg Maha Mengetahui kan...skang ni mmg doa jela semua dipermudahkan.
farra - kalo spital pantai ok lagi, tp an nur jauh. buatnye ptg time jem, haru je hohoho
ika - tq...malu nk mintak mc hehehe ngader kan!
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