24 July 2010

adik oh adik...

Went to my 30th-week check up yesterday and the result was not that good. The baby suddenly decided to turn head-upward (in a breech position) huhu! Nevertheless my gynae said he can turn downward in a normal position anytime since there's still room for him to move around. Please ye dik, janganlah ikut jejak langkah abang sulungmu..mama tak rela di operate lagi! My gynae also advised me to try to make the 'sujud' position for as long as i can, that's basically one of the tips given in a book to make the baby to move downward.

Anyway, i received my online purchase yesterday. Very fast shipping, if i'm not mistaken within 2 days after i placed the order and made the payment. Below in the list are 3 ice packs, 8 5oz bottles Bumble Bee, 1 medela breastshield, 1 tubing, 1 valve head and 1 membrane. And i got free gifts some more...1 red steady cup & 2 more Bumble Bee bottles. All for only RM137 including shipping..memang berbaloi-baloi!


  1. sikulat10:40 AM

    bumble bee bottle tuh brape ringgit erh yati?
