14 June 2006

My darling baby has turned 1.5 years old, happy belated besday Idlan!

So how you've done so far?
- speech ability, not so impressive, yg clear cuma abah, mama, ball, bear, egg. Yang lelain tu bhs german dia sendiri
- you're so good at understanding and picking up instructions, syabas!
- vocab-wise, byk jugak yg idlan dah faham. He can pinpoint when we ask whats this and that. Bhgn upper up body pon dia dah tahu, like nose, ear, eyes, teeth, cheeck, mouth, hands...and not forgetting leg. But pls forgive him if you ask in malay, sori he cant asnwer u, mama tak sempat ajar dlm bm :(
- he is so fond of animals, kat tv ke kat depan mata ke, he'll pinpoint and shout "xxx" dlm bhs dia. Ada satu hari abah was just open up the gate and there were 2-3 dogs outside lazing around and idlan was about to go and sergah at the doggies..mujur abah sempat tahan dia :)
-appetite dia very poor. at times he can go crazy on porridge/spaghetti/biscuits, etc , and the day after zuppp takmo mkn langsung sampaikan mama susah hati. Am still digging up on what kind of foods he might show his perpetual interest on.
- still doesnt show interest to kick a ball. Terlalu bersopan santun agaknyer, bila angkat ball pon teramat teliti
- loves dancing, with kepala lentok kiri kanan bila dgr lagu are u sleeping are u sleeping...
- mcm suke marching, will lift up both legs alternately sambil terkangkang-kangkang
- lebih suke periuk dan besen2 mama drpd lego atau toys lain, hence his collection of toys are so limited :p
- byk lagi sebenarnya, tak terlist dibuatnye.

But one thing for sure, he's not the hot-tempered or the rebellious one. Bila marah, dia tadela sampai baling2 barang sekuat mungkin, atau menjerit sekuat hati, berguling-guling atas lantai and the likes. Paling2 pon dia babab mama, tu pon slow je, atau baling cup dia atas floor, or whatever stuffs he's holding at that time. The minute after he's back to normal hehe.

ok back to work, till then sumer. have a nice weekend ahead!


Anonymous said...

ehem.. idlan dah besar.. bile mama yati plan nak tambah lagi sorang? jeles ar tgk ramai dah beranak 2.. sepupu kite yg beranak same month cam kite dulu pon baru beranak lagi sorang 4 hari lepas.. iskk.. jeless!

Anonymous said...

iman is like the 2nd last para. rebellious, quick-tempered, guling2, baling2. hopefully he'll mellow down as he grows up. kalo idok, fenin kepala mokcik.
do not worry too much abt his appetite, i guess that's normal for kids that age - they're too busy to even feel the hunger! ye lah, banyak aktiviti kan. if there's the need, boleh bagi multivitamin. iman still doesnt know nose, teeth and all. cuma kalau kita sebut hidung, sure dia terus korek hidung. ewww... gross!! kalau kita kata 'king kong' dia pun jalan kangkang2, tepuk dada sambil bunyik 'oorkk orkk orkkk'. ganas eh? one note - kids grow at their own pace, so kalau kengkawan dia dah boleh cakap tp dia belum, maybe masanya belum tiba lagi. just make sure, it's within the 'normal' range. as parents, keep on ajar and encourage him.

best kan ada anak nih...

y@tipruzz said...

julie - ele tanye kite, awak bila plak hehe

k.tie- hehe mmg best ade anak, dia yg memeningkan kepala, dia jugakla yg menceriakan hati dan perasaan :)
Sy tak risau sgt pasal lambat ckp tuh, sy tahu lelama nnt dia akan pandai jugak. Sy lebih risau psl appetite dia tuh. dulu dia suke giler vitamin, pantang nampak sure mintak. skang ni bolayan terus! dia buh dlm mulut, kulum kejap, then kasik kitorg blk. end up kami yg terpaksa telan hehe. Tu sy kata, mood dia berubah2, ikut laut pasang surut kot hehe

iman rebellious? ntah2 masuk 2 thn nnt dia berubah jd sopan santun plak hehe...we'll never know until the time comes!

Anonymous said...

By 18 months of age does your child:
Language and Social Skills
say 8-10 words you can understand
look at a person who is talking to him
ask specifically for her mother or father
use "hi," "bye," and "please," with reminders
protest when frustrated
ask for something by pointing or by using one word
direct another's attention to an object or action
become anxious when separated from parent(s)
seek attention
bring toys to share with parentact out a familiar activity in play (as in pretending to take a bath)
play alone on the floor with toys
compete with other children for toys
recognize herself in the mirror or in pictures
seem selfish at times

these are some developmental milestones used by clinician to assess child development..unless ur child is really far behind and physically healthy it should not be a cause for concern.

for further info check this

y@tipruzz said...

thx anonymous for the checklist.

and u can also check it out at babycenter.com

Farra Da Smiley said...

Idlan same as Mus’ab kat:
Poor eater (Mus’ab masih leh pakai baju 1 thn & lampin saiz M=sama ngan Mawaddah)
Speech ability
Understand instruction

Tapi tak sama kat:
Masih lom pandai pinpoint kat sume body part
Suka baling barang kalau ditegah :D eheh

Macam2 le gelagat bebudak ni ..mmg mencuit hati

ilsa said...

Haha.. nasib baik dia tak sempat sergah anjing2 tu! lama btul tak jumpa idlan--tunggu birthday party dia lagi 6 bulan laa ek *wink*

y@tipruzz said...

hehe kite plak taknah jumpe imaan lg nih. insya allah besday party cum house warming akhir taun hehe