24 November 2011

what is your favourite food?

Jawapan saya..sudah pastilah kek, kek dan kek lagi!!!

Minggu lepas buat Devil's food choc cake yg ketiga...dlm masa sehari sudah licin! Kalau ditanya siapa yg tukang makan paling byk...jawapan dia mestilah saya!! Bukan anak2..bukan my hb..hehe.

Lepas tu saya order kek lapis India dari sahabat saya yg mmg anak jati Sarawak...dia belikan 2 ketul utk saya nyum nyummm...tq my dear fren!!!!

Dan hari ini, sampailah kek bika ambon yg saya kirim dari ofismate yg baru pulang dari Medan. Wahhh hepinyer saya!!!

Esok insya Allah kami akan pulang ke Kelantan...so dlm kereta boleh pulun mkn kek nyummieeee :)))

Kek Lapis India/Cadbury - img googled

my third Devil's Food Choc Cake..nnt resepi saya post kemudian, tak sempat type lagi :)

arghhh sgt lazat itu cream cheese!!

Last but not least, inilah kek Bika Ambon buat tatapan mereka yg tak pernah tgk rupa dia. So far hanya boleh didapati di Medan..tak sure kat KL ade jual tak. Tapi kalo saya pegi bandung ke jakarta ke, serius tak jumpe kek ni!

favourite en hb ni...sebab tu saya bersungguh-sungguh kirim dekat ofismate...hope u like it Yang!!! Opss sori dah potong sket..kasik staff rasa sket..sian dia taknah tgk rupa kek ni :p

18 November 2011

it's the final day of school...

and Idlan has just gotten his final xm results today.

Overall score - 92%
Kedudukan dlm kelas - 9/35

Full result:
Al-Quran 80
B. Arab 100
Pendidikan Teras Islam 93
Jawi 98
BM 93
BI 95
Maths 93
Sains 80
P. Seni A

Agak merosot berbanding keputusan penggal pertama dulu tapi takpelah, janji semua A :)
Dulu Sains dpt 100, now 80 sajer erkkkk...
Al Quran tu byk slack dekat surah Al-Kafirun...bila suruh baca kat rumah, boleh je dia baca...tp dlm kertas, sumer ditulisnya salah!

Keputusan UPSR baru keluar kelmarin.
Dan tadi aku sempat berbual dgn colleague yg duduk di sebelahku, yg mana anak sulung dia dpt 5A dlm UPSR dan no 2 terbaik bagi PSRA di negeri Selangor (mumtaz, markah 98.6%).

Hebat benar anak kakak ni.
Kata dia, sejak darjah 1 anak dia dapat no 1 dan markah selalu dpt 100% dlm setiap ujian atau peperiksaan di sekolah. On top of that, anak dia mesti bolot hadiah utk mata pelajaran terbaik.
Selain drpd potensi anak dia, peranan ibu bapa tu sgt penting. Byk benda yg ku pelajari hasil drpd perbualan singkat dgn kakak ni.

Anak kita mungkin pandai, mungkin cemerlang....
tapi tanpa doa dan restu ibu bapa, mungkin dia tidak akan cemerlang selamanya.

Anak kita mungkin tidak berapa cemerlang dan pandai...
tapi berkat doa dari si ibu dan bapa, mungkin dia akan lebih cemerlang dan excel dlm setiap perkara yg diharungi.

Masa UPSR, kakak ni ambil cuti seminggu dan berpuasa sunat setiap hari. Semasa anak dia exam, kakak ni buat solat sunat, mengaji dan tidak putus2 berdoa pada Allah sehinggalah paper anak dia selesai.

Bila ku lihat dan bandingkan dgn diri sendiri...

- hmm apa anak belajar di sekolah pun tak berapa pasti...
- 2-3 hari nak exam, baru kelam-kabut buka buku sekolah anak, dan tanya dia dah belajar sampai mana.
- last minute baru duduk dgn anak utk ulangkaji pelajaran bersama-sama dan buat latihan

Dan bila direnung dan diingat kembali, rasanya masa exam final baru ni aku terlupa nak buat solat hajat utk Idlan...unlike masa periksa penggal pertama dulu, ku rajin buat solat hajat utk dia (anyway time tu dia dpt no 2).

Sangat jelas, peranan ku sebagai ibu dekat sini sangatlah kurang.
Macam mana la anak nak cemerlang kalau mama dan papa sibuk dan kurang ambil tahu hal pelajaran mereka betul tak?

Mama janji, bermula tahun depan mama akan jadi lebih rajin dan komited lagi perihal pelajaran anak2 mama. Moga kamu akan jadi lebih cemerlang dari mama dan abah, lebih cemerlang dari mereka semua.

Dan kamu kena ingat, solat itu sangat penting. Jangan nak buat muka masam kalau mama dan abah bising menegur perihal solat kamu yg kadang2 tu laju yg amat...mama tahu kamu sibuk nak kejar tengok kartun kan???

Doa qunut - hmm alhamdulillah kamu dah hafal! Selama ni solat Subuh tak baca qunut. Salah mama dan abah tak suruh kamu hafal...tapi baru2 ni bila mama suruh hafal, hmm kejap je dlm masa beberapa jam kamu dah berjaya hafal. Yer insya Allah anak mama ni terang hati...moga Allah terus menerangkan hatimu utk mudah menangkap ilmu2 yg baik buat bekalan di hari esok.

Apa2 pun, we lurve you loads son. Kamu memang anak yg baik, taat, obedient, abang yg penyayang dan boleh diharap. Apa mama suruh, mesti kamu buat..walaupun kadang2 kamu akan membebel balik dan ckp "asyik-asyik idlan, asyik-asyik idlan...suruhlah firas!". Ahh mama tahu kamu belum cukup matured lagi, sebab tu suka bandingkan sesuatu perkara tu dgn firas.

Dan mama tahu kamu masih belum masuk 7 tahun lagi. Sebab itu perangai masih macam budak-budak...siap nak bawa mainan pergi sekolah..ape kes tu???

14 November 2011

Devil's Food Chocolate Cake

Bila dah buat kek utk orang..mesti teringin buat kek utk diri sendiri sama...especially bila aroma kek yg tgh dibakar dlm oven harum semerbak menerjah ke hidung :p

The Baked Brownie for Hauza

Taddaaaaaaa...my first time trying out this recipe and hey it didnt disappoint me at all! Sgt sedap, rich, sinful, lazat, lemak berkrim disukai ramai :p It's a chocolate moist cake that has been frosted with cream cheese, cool for a while and later poured with cool ganache, and last but not least sprinkled with choc curls on top. Bunyi pun dah lazat kan :) Tapi nak buat dia aduhaiii berjiwa jugaklah. Mula2 buat kek dulu, pastu kena sejukkan..then belah dua kek tu. Then buat cheese frosting, sapu atas kek dan sejukkan balik dlm fridge. Then buat ganache, sejukkan ganache then baru boleh tuang atas kek. last skali nak sagat choc tu pulak...huishh jenuh jugakla nak menyiapkan seketul kek tuh :p Oh by the way nama kek ni Devil's Food Chocolate Cake...resepi bley gugel sajer ok.

tu dia si kecik ni dah standby nk potong. Di belah pagi tu kami attend konvo tadika si Firas di Jade Hills...tapi Firas cuma buat persembahan je (for kids 3yr) bukan konvo yer.

close-up sketttt

my lil bambino who nows drink a lot and when i say a lot i really meant it. Stock EBM depletes quite fast these days, from my rough estimation probably it could only last for another a month of two huhu. Daily output around 15oz, while this boy drinks around 24-28oz so just imagine how much frozen EBM been used in a day? grrrrr

Eid Adha

This supposed to be a last week's entry but i keep on procrastinating to publish it till today. But what the heck i still wanna post it since i've spent so much of my time to write-save-write-save-write-save-for-how-many-times that i lose count already :p

Last weekend was indeed a fruitful one, filled with fun, laughter, ‘penghayatan’, and of course the usual and non-stop ‘makan-makan’ time. Thursday night, I was busy baking 5 brownies for ammar’s teachers, my staffs and not forgetting one to be brought back to hb’s hometown in Kedah. Friday morning as planned, we started our journey heading up to North and safely arrived at Junjung Kedah roughly around 4pm. Our car almost had an accident and hit the divider in the middle of the road after the Jelapang tunnel (betul ke jelapang eh nama terowong tu b?) but Alhamdulillah dgn izinNya hb managed to pull an emergency break and our car stopped just in time, just few inches apart from the divider phewwww! There were 4-5 cars in front of us, and the farthest one, which is white in color was the one to be blamed bec it suddenly stopped (we’re not sure whether it hits something or hv other problems) and cause the cars following behind to pull an abrupt stop as well.

2 the baked brownies and 3 chocolate bottom banana square brownies for myself, staffs and ammar's teacher at taska

nyum nyummsss

This year Raya Haji was quite special since for the first time in life I got the chance to witness the ‘sembelih lembu’ event. Sedih dan kesian pun ada but insya Allah all of them will be placed in heaven. I overhear some of the makcik2 said in Mekah the cows will not ‘meronta-ronta’ and people do not have to tie them up bec they will willingly lie down and ‘menyerah diri’ when their time come…as easy as that huh. The villagers definitely need some skill to tame the cows down, there was few occurrence where they failed to tie up the legs, the cows got angry and move forwards to the people surrounds..we in fact took few steps backwards to save our lives haha kelakar pun ade rasanya. Oh did I ever mention that for the first time in life I got bitten by a ‘lintah’. It almost reached up to my knee when I found it hoho dia sudah kenyang gilos!

As usual, bila buat korban, we will be over flooded with daging korban. So guess what we did with all the daging???



It was a homemade daging burger ok!!!!

Very delish, contains no fat whatsoever but 100% meat only. Sangat sedap yer tuan puan, plus we had put some onions, daun saderi, daun bawang, pepper and salt, so it tastes sooo good and truly different from the one bought on the shelf. Sila cuba buat yer!! Both idlan and firas walloped 3pcs at a time, myself also couldn’t stop eating one after another…ishh kesimpulannye mmg sedap gilers lah! Still hv some frozen daging back at home, so I thought of giving another rounds of homemade burger this weekend as brekkie…sounds perfect :)

Oh ayah also bought few kilos of sweet potato for us, so I need to be extra rajin this weekend and prepare loads of homemade kuih keria especially for Idlan. He loves kuih keria very much and can eat up to 10pcs at one time!! That’s my big boy, he now eats a lot and always up to something even early in the morning right after waking up from sleep he will come to me and ask..pagi ni kita makan apa mama??? Haha this boy now resembles me a lot. He loves to eat, so does his mama..mmg anak mama lah tuh!

Last but not least, here goes pic of the cousins yg membuatkan mak pak dan atok nenek dia kecoh sokmo dekat kampung. Penat nak ligan mereka ni...actually ada 2 boys lagi not in the pic, bila berkumpul sudah cukup membuatkan kami pot pet pot pet non stop :p

02 November 2011

Tiramisu i luv u!

It's Wednesday already and in just 2 days time we will be leaving KL heading up to North to celebrate our Raya Haji. Can't wait to gather with my hb's family, have the usual makan2 time together, and thought of going for a picnic probably at Feringghi if the weather permits. Ahh talking about the weather, looks like the rainy season has come again. Some places even get flooded already huhu pity to those who gets affected and needs to be moved to a safer place! As for us working in KL, by the time the clock ticks 5pm, we immediately rush down to the car park to get our car, start the engine and off we go back home, praying hard that we will arrive safely and not caught in any massive traffic 'dek kerana banjir' :(

Okie dokie back to the subject title, we also had this for dessert on last weekend....on top of the delish and fudgy 'Baked Brownie'. Remember i have a 1kg of cream cheese in fridge, and i was contemplating in between tiramisu/cheese tarts/marble cheese brownies but finally i chose Tiramisu hehe!

selingan kejapsss. This was part of hb's regular 'work out' regime before indulging himself with all those sweety treats i made for him :p

This is the LadyFingers biscuit that was shown in my earlier post. It tastes sweet bec there’re some sugars on it. It soften easily when soaked in water, hence to get a nice tiramisu layer you mustn’t celup biskut tu lama2..celup kejap jer ok! I made a blunder since it was my first time using ladyfingers, as such my biscuits rasa sgt lembut/lembik…kureng sedap gitu! Actually I didn’t soak it that long, perhaps next time I just need to sprinkle the Nescafe on top of it instead of soak it.

Here we go the second step. After celup the biskut inside coffee/Nescafe, spread the cream cheese layer on top of the biscuits. Dust a lil bit of cocoa powder on it. Then you need to arrange the biscuits again, and cover with another layer of cream + cocoa powder. You may repeat the steps and have more layers of tiramisu if ur casserole is high, in my case I just repeat with 2 layers of biscuits and cream.

This is the final result. You may garnish the top with cocoa powder and chocolate curls. Nak lagi sedap, go and get some fresh strawberries/kiwi/dark berries from the shelf :) Easy peasy huh???

nyums nyumss. Serve it cold, mmg cam mkn eskrem :p

Anyway, since I still have some leftover cream cheese, I took out few muffin liners, celup and arranged my biskut Marie and repeat the above steps to have another version of smaller Tiramisu in cups! Hb said he prefers the biskut Marie version since biskut marie ni tak lembik and lembut as compared to the LadyFingers. Idlan didn’t seem to enjoy Tiramisu that much, simply bec of the coffee flavor (now I know my son detest coffee!) while Firas hits the cream only…biskut dia reject and kasik abah!! Myself? Ahhh no need my review since i am a sweet tooth person and definitely never reject anything so long as they’re sweet and soothing :)

So here goes the recipe, given by my friend Hany Fariza. Not sure the original source tho...enjoys!

Bahan cream cheese:

1 kotak kecil whipping cream

1 ketul cream cheese phildephia

1/2 cawan gula halus (sesedap rasa)

campur semua, putar sampai gebu sebati.

Bahan lapisan:

biskut marie (tiger) = boleh guna kek span or ape2 kek

4 sudu kecil nescafe

4 sudu kecil gula

air panas= bancuh nescafe-

celup biskut marie dlm nescafe & susun dlm bekas.

masukkan cream cheese satu lapis.

celup biskut marie dlm necafe susun lagi

masukkan cream cheese satu lapis lagi.
ulang proses lapisan sampai habis bahan.

*lapisan atas adalah lapisan cream cheese.

-masukkan dlm peti ais = 4 jam

taburkan serbuk koko.. potong n hidangkan.

*serbuk koko bleh campur ngan milo lagi sedap & setiap lapisan cream cheese bleh tabur serbuk koko+milo.


I didnt follow the measurement exactly..tak sukat pon measurement nescafe tuh. Some English recipe calls for a combination of cream cheese and Mascarpone cheese.