28 December 2010

of breastfeeding...

It's kinda sad to see when people around you somehow do not putting enough interest on breastfeeding their little ones. It's either they are ignorant, lack of knowledge, or simply choose not to breastfeed their babies and resort to formula instead. One of their reasoning, feeding your baby with formula is simpler, plus they can have enough rest since breastfeeding babies tend to 'melekap' with their mommies to the extend it becomes very tiring and restless.

Yes i do agree with the latter one. It's tiring when your babies demand for feeding round the clock. You may become even restless when you need to tend to your other growing up kids, not to mention the endless house chores as well. But please do remember, the benefits of breastfeeding far more outweigh all the things listed above.

Allah has given you the chance to give the best to your babies, so why must you let go of this precious moments and phase in your life? It doesn't come often, and not every woman out there is lucky enough to have the opportunity to do so. You're among the chosen ones, hence do exercise your chance wisely ok.

Happy Breastfeeding peeps!!! :)


aida said...

Negara uk yg dibanggakan menyusu badan pun ignorant pasal bf. Sama je cam org msia. Aku rasa ramai nak bf, tp tatau nak seek advice siapa, mcm aku dulu masa dgn amni

Farra Da Smiley said...

wah mcm pakar laktasi plak hehe..caiyokkkkkk

laydida said...

i dont really blame them for some reason, really. some of them might grew up not being surrounded with breastfeeding environment but bottle feeding + formula instead..babies are & formula milk is what they learn. associated with arrays of bottle so to change from the latter to breastfeeding cud be like doing a surgery or something, which is to them is against their norm. so it isnt about making choices in all cases. i dont think its fair to judge them..sengaja or not.

read about this somewhere, will post the link here, just to share some of the reality behind what we're seeing.

laydida said...

okay, dah jumpa


happy reading!

y@tipruzz said...

thanks huda. mmg betul, bukan semua macam tuh. tapi the one that i've seen, dia mmg bf for 1 mth++ and terus minta hubby beli formula sbb penat...and this is not her first child..3rd one dah okeh. And all this while we talked a lot about raising our kids, including topic on bf. that's one example jer la. for those yg dekat kampung2 tu, i believe it;s more because of lack of knowledge, and no exposure in their surroundings, plus mak2 zaman dulu pon mmg tak ramai yg bf lama, the most is up til their confinement period, lepas tu stop (including my mom).

for the educated ones, i believe they can think better which one is good and bad..isnt it?

y@tipruzz said...

opss satu lg, cth paling dekat, myself la during idlan's time. lepas c-sect, perut sakit..terus kasi botol bila susu lamat kuar. then bila susu dh kuar, dia takmo direct bf..kite try few times je n terus give up, so end up time pantang keje memerah jela kasi ebm thru botol. lack of knowledge i'd say, sbb x tahu kena perah consistently, x tahu kalo x perah kerap susu lelama kurang, etc...plus zmn 2004 dulu x ramai geng2 kita yg bf. Come firas's time, time preggy dh start baca2 pasal bf, mentally well-prepared la kiranya sbb firas dulu pon ngamuk x igt time direct bf hoho

laydida said...

peer support kat tempat keje pun penting. tapi kalau org yg fully exposed & knowledgeable masih tak bf, no comment. perhaps they have personal reason like husband (or elderly yg tinggal sebumbung..) tak supportive. this is true too..ada member forum faced this kinda situation. so sad.. last2 ended up with FM gak..

bersyukur la kita ni among the lucky ones!

y@tipruzz said...

yer setuju. support from our loved ones tu sgtla penting..especially hubby n our dearest mom!

Ummu Auni said...

aku? hmph...badan sakit. my health deteroriates. doc tak bagi BF pun. aku cakap nak. bila dah beranak, baru tahu...sakitnya. bukan sakit sebab BF< sakit sebab sendi meradang

y@tipruzz said...

aini - tu sudah ketentuan Dia, bukan kehendak mu kan. Aku yg sakit sebulan sbb gall stones dulu pon last2 mengalah sbb tak larat, apetah lagi ko yg dh sakit lama. Tp mcm aku penah ckp dulu, kasih sayang seorg ibu tu bukan setakat memberi susu badan saje, byk lg perkara lain yg ibu boleh kasi buat anak2 tanda kasih sayang mereka. So jgn sedih hanya kerana ko takleh nak bf anak2mu..depa dah cukup beruntung dpt ibu yg tabah cam ko tau!