18 April 2011

Jung Personality Test

Tengok ramai dah buat test ni, teringin jugaklah nak tengok result diri sendiri :p

ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population.

organized, group oriented, focused, conventional, leader, emotionally stable, anal, attention seeking, planner, realistic, fearless, responsible, finisher, decisive, norm following, respects authority, punctual, hard working, stiff, self confident, thinks rules and regulations are important, follows the rules, clean, outgoing, social, content, does not like being alone, normal, regular, does not like weird or strange people / things - intolerant of differences, strict, disciplined, aggressive, assertive, content, happy, proper, formal, strict with self, meticulous, strong sense of purpose

Favored career:

executive, ceo, supervisor, business consultant, manager, strategist, financial planner, business person, office manager, public relations manager, international business specialist, business analyst, management consultant, operations manager, loan officer, lawyer, marketing, sports management, government employee, investment banker

Komen diri sendiri:

Yes i am indeed a planner. Esok nak buat kerja apa, malam sebelumnya dah plan the task atau my to-do list. Kadang dalam kereta otw ke ofis dah merangka kerja2 yg perlu dibuat di dalam kepala :) Sebab tu saya tak suka kalau dipanggil utk ad-hoc meeting.

Responsible - yer sangat.

Decisive - sangat jugak. Especially sejak masuk division sekarang ni, memang selalu kena buat decision sendiri tanpa refer kpd bos terlebih dahulu.

Fearless - semakin berani sekarang ni, especially part nego dgn vendor. In fact dalam byk2 keja part nego yg paling saya nanti-nantikan hehe. Bukanlah hebat sangat, tapi result atau feedback tu very immediate, hatta terus menguji kemampuan saya sama ada berjaya atau gagal dalam sesuatu projek tu hoho

Business person - i like!!! Memang confirm betul lah ni :)


aida said...

hahaha kau sama cam aku... dah fikir in the future nak buat apa.. pastu siap fikir macam2 possibility kalau tak dapat buat yang ini atau yang itu...

y@tipruzz said...

yer betul..suke pre-empt awal2..sbb tu pompuan senang migrain sbb suke pk :p

Idlan said...

Betol ke mama suka pk2?

yatiscloset said...

betul. time drive pegi blk opis mesti pk pasal keje/biz :p