Rasa happy sgt pagi ni, time check up tadi berat berjaya bertambah 1.5kg! Akhirnye setelah penat mkn dan berusaha hohoho. Alhamdulillah adik baby sihat...berat skarang dlm 800++gram, aktif pusing dan gerak2 spt biasa. Jantina masih menjadi tanda tanyer..main sorok2 plak dia eh! Mother's instinct rasa macam boy jugak...tapi kalau dpt girl kira bonus la :) Bila tanye idlan...dia nak sorang adik boy, sorang adik girl! Adik boy boley main mainan power rangers dia, kalau girl..."mama kena beli patung Barbie, idlan nak pinjam".
Mother's Day dah dekat...dah plan nak kasi hadiah ape pada mak anda? beli kad...blanjer makan? Sometimes mak2 kite bukan mengharapkan hadiah..cukuplah dgn ucapan kasih sayang dan doa yg berpanjangan dari kite, anak2 mereka. Aku blom beli hadiah ape lagi...cuma dlm hati dah niat nak bakar kek utk umi....niat pasang dah lama, harap2 masa dan kudrat mengizinkan :)
Borak panjang dgn umi minggu lepas, tiba2 masuk citer bab rezeki. Umi slalu pesan, jgnla ukur rezeki tu berdasarkan monetary values sahaja. Think in broader scope, rezeki dari Dia diberi dlm pelbagai bentuk. Macam umiku, dia kata sgt bersyukur sbb dpt suami yg baik, anak2 yg bijak, menantu yg baik (kembang semangkuk pruz kalo dgr nih :p), cucu yg bijak dan comel dan pendapatan yg tetap. Dulu hidup dia susah, tapi rezeki dari Allah...kini hidup dia lebih senang, walaupun belum sampai kategori 'orang kaya'...tapi dia rasa tenang dan bahagia. Cukuplah ape yg ada skarang ni.
So kengkawan, sentiasalah bersyukur dgn ape yg kite ada...bila kite susah, ingatla yg ramai lagi org di luar sana lebih susah dari kite...diberi dugaan yg lebih kuat dari kite. Bila kite rasa putus asa dan sedih dgn sesuatu, cuba yakinkan diri yg pasti ade jln penyelesaian, pasti ade sinar yg menanti di hari muka :)
30 April 2008
29 April 2008
The power of compounding
Let’s go back to our financial mgmt class and refresh the formula for calculating our future value of money…..
FV = PV (1+k) to the power of n
Eg: How much your RM1000 will worth in 2 years with rate of return of 4.5%?
FV = 1000 (1+0.045) to the power of 2
= RM1092.03
If we take the average rate of return for unit trust fund, for instance 10%, let’s see how much you’ll be getting….
FV = 1000 (1+0.10) to the power of 2
= RM1210
See the power of compounding? Shocking but true :)
Most of the financial gurus place emphasis on instilling discipline when it comes to savings and investment. Hence do not make excuse to yourself by saying…. “i cannot invest now because I do not have enough money”….or “I think I need to wait until my income reaches xxx before I can start saving and investing”.
Always remember the Malay phrase, “sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit”.
If you can’t afford to invest RM1000, you may start small by putting aside RM100 per month. After all, what matters is to start early than never. And the good thing about unit trust, you’ll have the opportunity to invest in big and well-diversified stocks portfolios instead of just dumping your big money in one big stock, and experience the risk of losing during market downfall.
(* I've been given the greenlight to attend the "Save ur Future II: Financial Planning training" by my dearest bos :) So kengkawan...see u all there!)
FV = PV (1+k) to the power of n
Eg: How much your RM1000 will worth in 2 years with rate of return of 4.5%?
FV = 1000 (1+0.045) to the power of 2
= RM1092.03
If we take the average rate of return for unit trust fund, for instance 10%, let’s see how much you’ll be getting….
FV = 1000 (1+0.10) to the power of 2
= RM1210
See the power of compounding? Shocking but true :)
Most of the financial gurus place emphasis on instilling discipline when it comes to savings and investment. Hence do not make excuse to yourself by saying…. “i cannot invest now because I do not have enough money”….or “I think I need to wait until my income reaches xxx before I can start saving and investing”.
Always remember the Malay phrase, “sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit”.
If you can’t afford to invest RM1000, you may start small by putting aside RM100 per month. After all, what matters is to start early than never. And the good thing about unit trust, you’ll have the opportunity to invest in big and well-diversified stocks portfolios instead of just dumping your big money in one big stock, and experience the risk of losing during market downfall.
(* I've been given the greenlight to attend the "Save ur Future II: Financial Planning training" by my dearest bos :) So kengkawan...see u all there!)
28 April 2008
The Rule of 72
Good news, Public Mutual will declare distributions (i.e. dividend) for two of its existing fund, Public Ittikal and Public Islamic Equity Fund (PIEF) on 31 May 08. So for those who invests before 31 May, you'll be automatically eligible to receive such income distributions. Last year distribution for these funds was 10 cents and 5 cents/unit respectively. So let's not wait and start invest now :) But remember, past performance is not an indication of future performance. Knowledge is still the KEY.
I'd like to share something for today.....
The Rule of 72
Divide 72 by the rate of return of any investment and the answer you get is the approximate number of years it takes for that investment to DOUBLE in value.
72 / Rate of Return = No. of years to DOUBLE money
For example, how many years you need to take to DOUBLE your RM100k if the interest rate is 10%?
72/10%=7.2 years
So, the answer is 7 years. That means you need to take 7 years to DOUBLE your RM100k to become RM200k if the interest rate is 10%.
You may replace 10% with the Tabung Haji/ASB/fixed deposit/etc rate accordingly into the formula.
I'd like to share something for today.....
The Rule of 72
Divide 72 by the rate of return of any investment and the answer you get is the approximate number of years it takes for that investment to DOUBLE in value.
72 / Rate of Return = No. of years to DOUBLE money
For example, how many years you need to take to DOUBLE your RM100k if the interest rate is 10%?
72/10%=7.2 years
So, the answer is 7 years. That means you need to take 7 years to DOUBLE your RM100k to become RM200k if the interest rate is 10%.
You may replace 10% with the Tabung Haji/ASB/fixed deposit/etc rate accordingly into the formula.
24 April 2008
bila dah tepu....
Humm the blog has been left unattended for a while. Due to the office works plus tonnes of 'tough' assignments, cases n watnots...i easily became worn out at the end of the day...brain drain poor me huhuhu tepu sungguh help!!! How i wish to swing my magic wand and turn the day into the lovely June....yeahh the month of June where i can foresee myself goyang kaki at kampung and munching loads of chocolates bought in Langkawi muhehehhe. Oppsss a slap in my face again..wake up dear berangan je dang!
May is coming....we have B's besday and mother's day to celebrate. Deep inside i wish i could bake cakes for them...chocolate cake topped with rich blueberry and yummylicious cold whipped cream...or maybe carrot cake topped with cream cheese, my mom's favourite! Needless to say, i have class every weekend....and those special days happen to fall on weekend as well. Now don't you think i have all the concrete reason on earth to snatch one at SR? :p Sorry friends...i'm fasting today...and when fasting i couldn't help myself to stop thinking about foods and foods....plus Aini has mentioned in her blog about Paddington in MV and am start wandering on the wide array of foods offered at that place. Adui am so pathetic :(
Those investing in unit trust, you better catch the Personal Money mag this month. And i'll share my personal take on the unit trust investment later when i'm free....
And for those prefer to dump some money in stocks, you may ought to aim at plantation stocks due to its promising future and the global rising of CPO prices, plus the limited production and increase demands for crude oil. I've fared quite well in one of my selections so far alhamdulillah. But bear in mind, do your research first before investing in any investment tools. Never put your 100% trust on the agents/consultants/broker because it's your hard-earned money that we're talking, not them.
Knowledge is key :)
May is coming....we have B's besday and mother's day to celebrate. Deep inside i wish i could bake cakes for them...chocolate cake topped with rich blueberry and yummylicious cold whipped cream...or maybe carrot cake topped with cream cheese, my mom's favourite! Needless to say, i have class every weekend....and those special days happen to fall on weekend as well. Now don't you think i have all the concrete reason on earth to snatch one at SR? :p Sorry friends...i'm fasting today...and when fasting i couldn't help myself to stop thinking about foods and foods....plus Aini has mentioned in her blog about Paddington in MV and am start wandering on the wide array of foods offered at that place. Adui am so pathetic :(
Those investing in unit trust, you better catch the Personal Money mag this month. And i'll share my personal take on the unit trust investment later when i'm free....
And for those prefer to dump some money in stocks, you may ought to aim at plantation stocks due to its promising future and the global rising of CPO prices, plus the limited production and increase demands for crude oil. I've fared quite well in one of my selections so far alhamdulillah. But bear in mind, do your research first before investing in any investment tools. Never put your 100% trust on the agents/consultants/broker because it's your hard-earned money that we're talking, not them.
Knowledge is key :)
16 April 2008
Save Your Future II : Financial Planning Program for TMexScholars
Salam kengkawan,
Referred email from En Zainal kita, jomla reramai pegi!
A. GENERAL MODULE - 13th May 2008
FULL DAY SESSION - (8.45 AM - 5.00 PM)
Venue : Seminar Hall, 50th Floor, Menara TM, Jln Pantai Baharu
Synopsis : Explanation about Current Economic Situation and Financial Planning Tips for TM Executive.
B. SPECIFIC MODULES (Workshop/Practical) - 27th - 28th May 2008
FULL DAY SESSION (8.45 AM - 5.00 PM)
Venue : Training room 1,2,3 & 4, at 50th Floor, Menara TM
Module 1 : Managing Your Expenses, Credit Management, Saving, Tax Planning & Retirement Planning
Module 2 : Various Types of Invesment & Portfolio, Education, Property Investment, etcs.
argghh i need a break...with the assignment workloads, presentation n whatnots...need to gasp some fresh air and ideas. And my colleague is now 'holidaying' in Japan for 2 weeks, leaving me and a new leasing staff alone to handle those demanding n fussy customers.
*Ina awak balik nanti kite plak cuti 2 minggu muahahhaa
Referred email from En Zainal kita, jomla reramai pegi!
A. GENERAL MODULE - 13th May 2008
FULL DAY SESSION - (8.45 AM - 5.00 PM)
Venue : Seminar Hall, 50th Floor, Menara TM, Jln Pantai Baharu
Synopsis : Explanation about Current Economic Situation and Financial Planning Tips for TM Executive.
B. SPECIFIC MODULES (Workshop/Practical) - 27th - 28th May 2008
FULL DAY SESSION (8.45 AM - 5.00 PM)
Venue : Training room 1,2,3 & 4, at 50th Floor, Menara TM
Module 1 : Managing Your Expenses, Credit Management, Saving, Tax Planning & Retirement Planning
Module 2 : Various Types of Invesment & Portfolio, Education, Property Investment, etcs.
argghh i need a break...with the assignment workloads, presentation n whatnots...need to gasp some fresh air and ideas. And my colleague is now 'holidaying' in Japan for 2 weeks, leaving me and a new leasing staff alone to handle those demanding n fussy customers.
*Ina awak balik nanti kite plak cuti 2 minggu muahahhaa
15 April 2008
Just to inform that all stuffs for sales have been relocated to http://nisastore.blogspot.com
So for those interested to get new muslimah t-shirts, telekung, tudung and kain, you may always visit our store for the latest collection.
Just to inform that all stuffs for sales have been relocated to http://nisastore.blogspot.com
So for those interested to get new muslimah t-shirts, telekung, tudung and kain, you may always visit our store for the latest collection.
10 April 2008
kain samarinda
Latest item for sale, kain samarinda from Indonesia..purple+black in colour.
Suitable for both male (jadi kain pelekat) and ladies (to be matched with plain baju).
Kain samarinda ade byk jenis....yang ni kain dia lembut dan sejuk...tak perlu lining.
Sale price: RM25

Latest item for sale, kain samarinda from Indonesia..purple+black in colour.
Suitable for both male (jadi kain pelekat) and ladies (to be matched with plain baju).
Kain samarinda ade byk jenis....yang ni kain dia lembut dan sejuk...tak perlu lining.
Sale price: RM25
I'll relocate all these 'for-sale items' at a new blog soon...to be announced later.
01 April 2008
1] Azam nak buat popia and karipap frozen tercapai. Tapi hanya mampu bertahan selama 3-4 hari jer...sehari goreng 8-10 ketul...3 hari dah hampir zappppp! Tu pon mkn 2 org jer :p

2] Semlm check up, baby in breech position gulpp! Harap2 jgnla si adik ni mengikut jejak langkah si abang :)
3] Dah abis khatam buku adam khoo (less than 10 days hehe), dan saya masih blajar lagi cara2 nak mendiversifykan duit lebih utk investment. Salah satu pesanan basic adam, kurangkan expenses, and increasekan income. Tapi nampak gaya habit mkn di luar saya susah nak dihapuskan :p
4] Tak sia2 kami bertukar dari pediasure ke enfakid...masalah buang air besar idlan suddenly resolved alhamdulillah! Sebelum ni kerap tukar susu, kerap jumpe paed, mkn oren 3 biji sehari pon payah dia nak membuang. Tapi last 2 weeks consultant mead johnson kat careffoure sarankan kami beli enfakid sbb pediasure tu susu soya rupanyer (kami tak tahu!), dia claim enfa kaya dgn fiber, khasiat pon lebih dari pediasure. Skarang consistent minum susu tuh, almost everyday dia membuang....syukurnyer rasa:)
Idlan pon happy je borak2 time duduk atas potty dlm toilet tuh hehe
2] Semlm check up, baby in breech position gulpp! Harap2 jgnla si adik ni mengikut jejak langkah si abang :)
Patutla skarang asyik terasa nak pegi toilet, kaki dia duk menendang2 bhgn bwh jer huhu.
Oh berat badan saya masih tak berubah....maintain at 5xkg..should i be worry or not? Ni dah masuk 5 bulan...pelik kenape berat tak naik. First pregnancy berat saya shot up to 69kg before masuk operation theatre :) Lucky urine test clear, saya risau jugak takut tetiba detect kencing manis sbb semenjak dua menjak ni almost everyday tibai eskrem and minum apple juice....hmm lazats!
3] Dah abis khatam buku adam khoo (less than 10 days hehe), dan saya masih blajar lagi cara2 nak mendiversifykan duit lebih utk investment. Salah satu pesanan basic adam, kurangkan expenses, and increasekan income. Tapi nampak gaya habit mkn di luar saya susah nak dihapuskan :p
4] Tak sia2 kami bertukar dari pediasure ke enfakid...masalah buang air besar idlan suddenly resolved alhamdulillah! Sebelum ni kerap tukar susu, kerap jumpe paed, mkn oren 3 biji sehari pon payah dia nak membuang. Tapi last 2 weeks consultant mead johnson kat careffoure sarankan kami beli enfakid sbb pediasure tu susu soya rupanyer (kami tak tahu!), dia claim enfa kaya dgn fiber, khasiat pon lebih dari pediasure. Skarang consistent minum susu tuh, almost everyday dia membuang....syukurnyer rasa:)
Idlan pon happy je borak2 time duduk atas potty dlm toilet tuh hehe
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