15 March 2005

...at last....

Gosh at last managed to come out with this very tough + complicated job of creating my very own blog...my ownnnn blog!!! (~sigh~)...am wondering why other people can easily created theirs but in my case...hehe having to put thru all energy, time, efforts, skills and bla bla bla to produce this simple yet complicated kind of thing (apela yati!!) I can't remember how many times i've changed/deleted the source code, trying to place it here n there, experimenting and experimenting the code and lastly, what i did was deleted the whole blog---> bijak bijakkk :p

Lesson of the day ---> be extra careful when u want to make any changes on things of which u're not very good at it :p (((


aida said...

sabo yati sabo... kiteorang pun tak reti cam ko gak memula.. pastu dah pejam mata buat coding blogger.. huhuh

araamy said...

wahaa... takper yati taper... ko belajar aa dari aida tu... die dah jadi sifu dah... bijak bijak...

asmasalleh said...

hehe.. hebat yati, dlm diam diam skrang dah bleh buat source code dah.. hehhehehe.. Go Yati GO !!!!..

ZurratulAin said...

kudos yatiii... pasni leh la baca curahan hati yati..

ieka said...

haah yati.. mmg memula susah pastu ok jer.. tanye rahimi dulu kitenyer mmg sakit mata memandang, sakit lagi tgn yg membuatnyer.. akakakka