Steam Bread Pudding yg sempoi!
4-5 slices gardenia - any other brand can also do
1/2 cup susu cair
1/2 cup water
2 eggs - medium sized
1tsp vanilla essence
1/3 cup sugar - to make the caramel
The action:
(use big bowl ok)
Beat eggs and sugar till kembang ( i only use fork, not the mixer).
Drop the vanilla essence
Add susu cair and water. Stir till well mixed all the ingredients.
Cerai-ceraikan roti and add into the bowl, tekan-tekan roti till it mixes well and soaked in the mixture.
Finally, bring to a slow heat 6-7 table spoons of sugar (put inside the mould), let it melt till the colour turns brown, off the heat and let it cool.
Tuang your bread mixture inside the mould, cover with aluminium foil, and steam to a medium heat for 25-30 minutes.
-you can also opt to bake if u like!
-if you wanna have thick pudding, add in more bread, susu, water & sugar and adjust it to your instinct :)
- can add raisin, almond or segala tok nenek as u wish too (pruzz suke plain pudding jer)
Ok tu sajer, happy trying peeps!

p/s: pruzz bley habiskan seloyang in 2 days :p his feveret!
(custard sauce kat sebelah tu dah lupa caner nak buat hehe so abaikan)