Tertarik dgn tulisan sikulat...saya pon nak share fixed list saya every month yg diprepare beberapa hari sebelum tibanya hari 'payday'.
- makan/minum
- duit minyak
- h/p
- loan keta
- loan rumah
- TH idlan
- Takaful diri sendiri
- TH diri sendiri (ni adalah varies by month according to variation in the variable items listed afterwards)
Other variable items:
- balik kg
- duit buku teks (sangat mahal!)
- service keta (which at times might ends up with me having no savings at all)
- shopping baju, tudung, kasut, bag, baju idlan, etc etc
- hadiah besday pruzz/idlan/umi/papa + kek besday
- shopping brg2 kek kat kedai kek
Walaupun fixed items di atas pendek je listnyer, jgn tertipu kerana semua tu pon dah counted for almost 77% of the net salary. Bila ditambah dgn variable expenses tu, whoohaaa savings tu pon makinla menyusut. I assume the only way i can increase the monthly saving is by opting for smaller car (bak kata azizi ali, sebenarnya majority kita hanya layak pakai kancil jer :). Ini belum ditambah dgn kos sara anak yg lain, kos inflasi, kos persekolahan anak2, kenaikan harga minyak, etc.
Walau bagaimanapun, saya tetap bersyukur sbb despite all this, savings saya masih bertambah even tho berdikit-dikit lelama nanti jadila bukit ekkk hehe. Dan bila difikir-fikirkan, saya masih lagi dpt merasa kenikmatan hidup (bukanla mewah tapi kira OK la)...dpt mkn McD, KFC, Nandos, Pizza...dan segala jenis makanan lain yg best2, dpt beli baju baru, beg baru, kasut. Ada orang yg nak merasa makanan tu pon jarang2 skali, nak beli kasut baru pon susah sgt...baju baru....hmmm....makanyer....kita tersangatla beruntung walaupun salary scale kita masih di tahap rendah berbanding GLCs yg lain (sedapkan hati diri sendiri nih nyeh nyeh). Oh lagi satu, company memberi saya scholar utk membayar kos pembelajaran master dan duit buku dan extra cuti!! hah mewah sgtla tu kan :))
Last but not least, saya sgt berharap bonus taun lepas tinggi nyehnyehnyeh
30 January 2008
28 January 2008
On Saturday, i felt like eating the super duper extra hot roasted chicken @ Nandos, so off we go to Mines nearing lunch time. As usual, we will not forget to bring bread since Idlan really enjoy going there, just sit there, watch and feed all the the fatty, extra-large fish (mostly ikan keli and kap). Abah got a packet of fish food from the nearby stall, and again we spent for another 20-30 min waiting him to finish up the whole packet.
On Sunday, we just stayed at home since abah needs to prepare for his class and whatnots. I did some spring clean on the kc and found few packets of muffin mix, almost reaching its expiry date. Despite being lazy, i forced myself to do some baking, plus everything is already there, just threw in some eggs, fresh milk and butter...and the batter is ready! Garnish with some chips and blueberry to add to its plain taste...and they turned up lovely as always :)
22 January 2008
1] Yep, exam was over..bagaikan 1001 beban diangkat dr bahu dan kepala. Malam bley tido dgn aman, tiada lagi assignment or anything yg perlu difikirkan...at least for the next 2 weeks. Tak payah kunci jam pukul 4 pagi utk bgn study...bley tido dgn lena sampai subuh :) Alhamdulillah soklan senang utk siapa yg dah study, prof siap pos mid term script results kepada semua org...all the way from Sintok tu baik hati betul prof aku.
2] habis xm pegi SR utk beli kek besday umi and papa...terkezut bangat tgk harga kek dah naik ke RM70! isk ish inflasi sungguh, a rise in the overall price level which is not compensated with an increase in salary...at least to us in T* yg tak naik gaji ni...tak adil tak adil huhu. Juice kat kedai mkn ofis aku dulu RM1.50, skang RM2!
3] anak teruna skang ni pepagi buat hal takmo mandi...terpaksa berperang sakan sebelum gi school...aduhai skang ni everyday masuk ofis lambat :(
4] baru pinjam novel Judith Mcnaught dari tini...my ofismate. Skang memlm bole memanjakan diri dgn membaca majalah pa ma, mami baby dan novelssss...syioknyer rasa!
2] habis xm pegi SR utk beli kek besday umi and papa...terkezut bangat tgk harga kek dah naik ke RM70! isk ish inflasi sungguh, a rise in the overall price level which is not compensated with an increase in salary...at least to us in T* yg tak naik gaji ni...tak adil tak adil huhu. Juice kat kedai mkn ofis aku dulu RM1.50, skang RM2!
3] anak teruna skang ni pepagi buat hal takmo mandi...terpaksa berperang sakan sebelum gi school...aduhai skang ni everyday masuk ofis lambat :(
4] baru pinjam novel Judith Mcnaught dari tini...my ofismate. Skang memlm bole memanjakan diri dgn membaca majalah pa ma, mami baby dan novelssss...syioknyer rasa!
16 January 2008
Penatnyer rasa lately...
- semlm meeting dari 930am-215pm...bilik sejuk dingin beku, sampai sakit kepala..otak dah tepu, mujur x muntah dlm meeting room.
- nak kena touch up module training Scicom utk train bebudak baru yg semakin ramai masuk sini. Tapi masalahnyer file training yg tebal tu tah aku campak ke mane. Module ilang taper, tapi dlm file tuh ade certificate worldwide...tulis nama aku...tapi dah ilang!!! penat je score highest...tade maknanyer lagi huhuhu
- assignment dah settle...skarang perah otak utk final ahad ni. Study 1/2 jam dah layu and surrender...parahnyer rasa....tapi still cuba mengawal kadar tekanan diri supaya tidak migrain dan baby tak terasa pressure mamanyer :)
- seluar sekolah idlan hilang sehelai...termasuk dlm beg budak lain kot...tapi tade parents pon yg pulangkan...tak baik kan???
- dah niat utk register kelas fast track dari april-june. 2 subjects at one go dlm masa 2 bulan tanpa henti, klas every weekend. Lepas habis tuh, tinggal satu subject je lagi :) Insya Allah sempat abis mba before baby kuar....
- itu juga bermakna aku tak dpt pegi holiday ke mana-mana dari sekarang sampai bulan June...pressure plak rasa!
- bulan June pruz ade conference kat langkawi.....maknanyer tu jela holiday kami pada taun ni kots?? sedey :(
- niat dari bulan lepas nak buat carrot cake utk besday umi and papa...igt nak celebrate weekend ni..tapi since study final masih terkapai-kapai and tahap self confidence level teramat unsatisfactory, makanyer terpaksa beli kek SR jugak ahad ni huhu
- saya cuti belajar esok dan lusa....harap2 sempat habis blajar..rajin mama rajin...jgn asyik tido!
- semlm meeting dari 930am-215pm...bilik sejuk dingin beku, sampai sakit kepala..otak dah tepu, mujur x muntah dlm meeting room.
- nak kena touch up module training Scicom utk train bebudak baru yg semakin ramai masuk sini. Tapi masalahnyer file training yg tebal tu tah aku campak ke mane. Module ilang taper, tapi dlm file tuh ade certificate worldwide...tulis nama aku...tapi dah ilang!!! penat je score highest...tade maknanyer lagi huhuhu
- assignment dah settle...skarang perah otak utk final ahad ni. Study 1/2 jam dah layu and surrender...parahnyer rasa....tapi still cuba mengawal kadar tekanan diri supaya tidak migrain dan baby tak terasa pressure mamanyer :)
- seluar sekolah idlan hilang sehelai...termasuk dlm beg budak lain kot...tapi tade parents pon yg pulangkan...tak baik kan???
- dah niat utk register kelas fast track dari april-june. 2 subjects at one go dlm masa 2 bulan tanpa henti, klas every weekend. Lepas habis tuh, tinggal satu subject je lagi :) Insya Allah sempat abis mba before baby kuar....
- itu juga bermakna aku tak dpt pegi holiday ke mana-mana dari sekarang sampai bulan June...pressure plak rasa!
- bulan June pruz ade conference kat langkawi.....maknanyer tu jela holiday kami pada taun ni kots?? sedey :(
- niat dari bulan lepas nak buat carrot cake utk besday umi and papa...igt nak celebrate weekend ni..tapi since study final masih terkapai-kapai and tahap self confidence level teramat unsatisfactory, makanyer terpaksa beli kek SR jugak ahad ni huhu
- saya cuti belajar esok dan lusa....harap2 sempat habis blajar..rajin mama rajin...jgn asyik tido!
08 January 2008
sabtu lepas after exam mid term ade org gelakkan aku.
"ko lukis graf pakai jusco card ker?"
"yela...ko ade nampak ruler atas meja aku ker...tader kan. Rubber pon cilok anak aku nyer...power rangers hehe"
Makanye kelmarin aku beli ruler baru and liquid paper.....preparation for final xm hohoho.
Tu pun setelah setaun lebih amik MBA baru beli ruler sendiri??? hish teruk giler. Selama ni mmg aku guna jusco card/name card je nak lukis garisan :) Kasut bley bertukar ganti...tapi ruler sebatang 80 sen liat sungguh nak beli :p
"ko lukis graf pakai jusco card ker?"
"yela...ko ade nampak ruler atas meja aku ker...tader kan. Rubber pon cilok anak aku nyer...power rangers hehe"
Makanye kelmarin aku beli ruler baru and liquid paper.....preparation for final xm hohoho.
Tu pun setelah setaun lebih amik MBA baru beli ruler sendiri??? hish teruk giler. Selama ni mmg aku guna jusco card/name card je nak lukis garisan :) Kasut bley bertukar ganti...tapi ruler sebatang 80 sen liat sungguh nak beli :p
After 3-4 consecutive days of intensive training, at 3 years 1 month, Idlan is officially diapers-free! Leganye rasa muehehehe. I'd say it was not that tough to train todds this age but it's quite a challenging one though. Ours (me and hubby) comprises of sweet and nice talking plus marah and cubit-cubitan on few occurrences :p If you dont show your strictness, they wont understand how important the tasks is, and they'll resort to the status quo i.e. 'buang' dlm pampers. Nevertheless night time we're still putting him on diapers because he still takes milk at least once and when it comes to the morning his pampers is almost 85% lencun.
Anyone has the slightest idea how to go about the issue during night time?
His routine at taska running ok. Nothing much difference compared to before due to the same surrounding, teachers and frens. We let him watch power rangers in the morning before going off to taska, night time we spent time together watcing the same power rangers cd and Elmo 123. The elmo 123 is the most valuable one we've ever bought so far, the songs are catchy, and todds can easily learn how to count 1-20 in a fun and enjoyable manner. We sing, we count, and sometimes he (not me definitely) jumps around to follow the characters in the cd. Last night, abah tells bedtime story 4-5 times (cerita lion and samba kots) before he fell asleep.....and mama, still struggling to finish up her assignments yg berlambak dan tak tahu nak buat tuh huhu now i realize my cuakness is mounting as days passed by!
Anyone has the slightest idea how to go about the issue during night time?
His routine at taska running ok. Nothing much difference compared to before due to the same surrounding, teachers and frens. We let him watch power rangers in the morning before going off to taska, night time we spent time together watcing the same power rangers cd and Elmo 123. The elmo 123 is the most valuable one we've ever bought so far, the songs are catchy, and todds can easily learn how to count 1-20 in a fun and enjoyable manner. We sing, we count, and sometimes he (not me definitely) jumps around to follow the characters in the cd. Last night, abah tells bedtime story 4-5 times (cerita lion and samba kots) before he fell asleep.....and mama, still struggling to finish up her assignments yg berlambak dan tak tahu nak buat tuh huhu now i realize my cuakness is mounting as days passed by!
07 January 2008
Tag dari cik puan Aini....
5 things found in my bag
- handphone
- wallet
- pen
- vicks inhaler
- car key
5 things found in my wallet
- money
- ATM n credit cart
- Jusco card --> penting nih!
- driving license
- medical card PM care
5 favorite things in my room
- fan remote control
- the pink curtain
- my bedsheet
......uh uh tader dah???
5 things i’ve always wanted to do
- travel oversea
- perform Hajj
- enroll to baking class
- shopping without looking at the price tag :p
- able to do SR cake - 'chocolate indulgence' exactly like SR's taste
5 things i'm currently into
- assignments & preparation for final xm
- potty-train Idlan (85% mission almost accomplish :)
- gaining weight
- practising a balance diet - less cholesterol!
5 people i'm going to tag
++ sesiapa jela yg teringin nak buat hehe
5 things found in my bag
- handphone
- wallet
- pen
- vicks inhaler
- car key
5 things found in my wallet
- money
- ATM n credit cart
- Jusco card --> penting nih!
- driving license
- medical card PM care
5 favorite things in my room
- fan remote control
- the pink curtain
- my bedsheet
......uh uh tader dah???
5 things i’ve always wanted to do
- travel oversea
- perform Hajj
- enroll to baking class
- shopping without looking at the price tag :p
- able to do SR cake - 'chocolate indulgence' exactly like SR's taste
5 things i'm currently into
- assignments & preparation for final xm
- potty-train Idlan (85% mission almost accomplish :)
- gaining weight
- practising a balance diet - less cholesterol!
5 people i'm going to tag
++ sesiapa jela yg teringin nak buat hehe
03 January 2008
year 2007
Best plak tgk si limau recap kan perjalanan 2007 dia...so let's see what i've done last year....
- officially moved in to our own house @ TS- 18 Jan
- first Idlan's trip to zoo negara - 3 March
- Abah's birthday celebration - 1 May @ Sri Intan PD
- Hot Stove came into live - 10 April
- Confirmed pregnant - 28 May
- Trip Kelantan/Terengganu - 31 May
- Breakfast with DAWO - 6 June
- Confirmed miscarriage and did DNC - 9 July
- Did some house deco n refurbishment (during my confinement) - July
- Abah's Mphil convocation - 11 August
- the series of severe gastrick attack during Raya Puasa - Middle October
- Made a big slack for my legal paper..bubye 4 flat - October
- The finding of gall stones :( - 30 October
- Kuching trip - 1 November
- Bandung trip - 19 November
- The completion of our garden/pergola/pond project- late november
- House warming+Idlan's 3rd besday bash - 1 December
- Confirmed pregnant - 12 December
- Melaka trip - 16 December
- the arrival of baby Huzaifah, idlan's new cousin - 25 December
Well obviously there was ups and downs throughout the whole year. I guess the highlight would be myself getting pregnant twice, and also the gall stones that still remains until now :(
And diam tak diam, am already in my final quarter of the MBA's journey...another 4.5 subjects to go and i'll be all free!
I just hope for a better health, and life this year...may year 2008 brings greater joy, health and happiness to all of us ameen :) anddd....i wish to go to Langkawi this year!
- officially moved in to our own house @ TS- 18 Jan
- first Idlan's trip to zoo negara - 3 March
- Abah's birthday celebration - 1 May @ Sri Intan PD
- Hot Stove came into live - 10 April
- Confirmed pregnant - 28 May
- Trip Kelantan/Terengganu - 31 May
- Breakfast with DAWO - 6 June
- Confirmed miscarriage and did DNC - 9 July
- Did some house deco n refurbishment (during my confinement) - July
- Abah's Mphil convocation - 11 August
- the series of severe gastrick attack during Raya Puasa - Middle October
- Made a big slack for my legal paper..bubye 4 flat - October
- The finding of gall stones :( - 30 October
- Kuching trip - 1 November
- Bandung trip - 19 November
- The completion of our garden/pergola/pond project- late november
- House warming+Idlan's 3rd besday bash - 1 December
- Confirmed pregnant - 12 December
- Melaka trip - 16 December
- the arrival of baby Huzaifah, idlan's new cousin - 25 December
Well obviously there was ups and downs throughout the whole year. I guess the highlight would be myself getting pregnant twice, and also the gall stones that still remains until now :(
And diam tak diam, am already in my final quarter of the MBA's journey...another 4.5 subjects to go and i'll be all free!
I just hope for a better health, and life this year...may year 2008 brings greater joy, health and happiness to all of us ameen :) anddd....i wish to go to Langkawi this year!
my baby's BIG already!

It was a short and quick decision, yet we believe this is the best for him. We went to his nursery yesterday, asking the teacher about classes for the 4 y-o kids. The teacher informed classes are conducted in a more informal way, they only learn the basic things like abc, 123, alif ba ta, performing solat, flash cards, Qiraati, etc..which i think won't be a major burden to idlan since he already master those few things at home. They must eat on their own (ni mmg masalah ni hehe dia anak manja... mama suap lagi), have most class activities in the morning, and evening will be the solat and free time. Idlan looks very enthusiastic yesterday, he even wore his uniform immediately after we paid for the fees :p Total is RM301 (one-time fee), plus the monthly usual RM250 for kids his age. So overall, i think he should be OK, afterall he already familiar with the surroundings and the environment, teachers, his friends, etc. And the teachers informed idlan mmg suke blajar time duk kat atas dulu, he's quite a fast learner i think, but if we didnt grow and polish him, he might be left out in school when the time comes. Nevertheless we have one big issue remains unsettled, he is still wearing diapers! Blame his parents yg lazy teramat nak potty-train dia....i think we tried 3-4 times, unsuccessful yet we stop :p Pasnih kena bersungguh ajar balik!
Well class starts at 830am, today he woke up at 7am (dgn penuh bersemangat im telling u!), had some light breakfast (3/4 can of mushroom soup, his favourite!) and a cup of milo while watching power rangers (so early in the morning??) and off we sent him...kiut je tgk dia pakai uniform. Now we realize our baby is a big boy already :) Sedey plak rasa huhu
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