07 January 2008

Tag dari cik puan Aini....

5 things found in my bag
- handphone
- wallet
- pen
- vicks inhaler
- car key

5 things found in my wallet
- money
- ATM n credit cart
- Jusco card --> penting nih!
- driving license
- medical card PM care

5 favorite things in my room
- fan remote control
- the pink curtain
- my bedsheet
......uh uh tader dah???

5 things i’ve always wanted to do
- travel oversea
- perform Hajj
- enroll to baking class
- shopping without looking at the price tag :p
- able to do SR cake - 'chocolate indulgence' exactly like SR's taste

5 things i'm currently into
- assignments & preparation for final xm
- potty-train Idlan (85% mission almost accomplish :)
- gaining weight
- practising a balance diet - less cholesterol!

5 people i'm going to tag
++ sesiapa jela yg teringin nak buat hehe

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