Happy holiday uols...i tgh duk atas tikar bwh pokok while the boys tgh berdiri tgh panas carik anak ketam. Errrr x sanggup!!!
30 January 2014
29 January 2014
Bekal cuti2 mesia esok..pastry puff lagik!
Haha ya ampun jgn bosan tgk entry asyik berkaitan pastry puff jerrr. Truth is mama dia x puas mkn lagi. Every time buat sempat rasa seketul je...so jom kita repeat lagik haha.
Ni utk bekal mkn kt hotel esok...cuti2 mesia ad-hoc dekat2 sini jer...en hubby baru je book ptg tadi :) So initial plan utk bercucuk tanam dan mencari tanah kena postpone ke ahad la kots.
Happy holiday u ols! Company kami cuti lama 5 hari ok...sangap giler kalo duk umah jer :p
Another variations for pastry puff topings
28 January 2014
Banana coated chocolate
27 January 2014
26 January 2014
Embarking into new things in life
2. Learn about gardening
3. Bento-ing
So that's the start-off for this new year.
We had a great family-bonding time this morning at Lake Valley. The morning breeze was cold with super nice weather, kids enjoyed watching fish inside the lake, n i had finished off my morning jog at 2.2km with 122 calories burnt. Tho it was followed by having roti canai at a nearby mamak restaurant afterwards haha
Thanx to my circle of friends aka geng lunch, i think i wanna start to learn about gardening. Hubby is pretty good at it, so it's good if both of us can share n inculcate the interest together. We bought pokok limau kasturi, cili padi, mangga n kangkung seeds. So lets pray they grow well n add some greens to our small compound. I have few more in my grow-to-list...bawang and daun sup. Tapi kena beli extra tanah dulu this weekend :)
Hubby said he was happy that i determine to make breakfast for the kids everyday. To us it means less spending for breakfast at the office. Assuming u spend rm4/morning, so that would mean a saving of approximately rm80 per month! Campur masak dgn kasih sayang some more, ehemm that adds to unmeasurable satisfaction dont u think? :) Harap2 mode rajin continues selama yg mungkin! Hihi
25 January 2014
Pastry folding hacks

24 January 2014
Mari membuat star/love-shape bread
Saja mengada nk try buat. Guna cookies cutter je pon x susah yer...tp yg susah sebab sambil menshapekan roti mama kena abiskn balance2 hujung roti tu haha...takkan nk buang plak kan jangannnn membazir namanya!!
So today firas n ammar nk roti peanut butter n nutella. Si abang nk spaghetti chicken mushroom carbonara. Mama konon nk eat clean bwk koko krunch ngn banana nut clusters wif full cream milk. Lesson learnt- serius lapar giler wehhhh kol 11++ perut dh kriukkk kriukkkk. So lenkali kalo nk mengada mkn cereal kena prepare biskut brg sepack dua yer :p
23 January 2014
Roti paratha n kari sardin kentang
Sape nk cari idea utk buat bento breakfast or lunch utk anak2 boleh try masuk fb-kelab bekal/bento malaysia. Dasat2 bento derang hiasan mmg tip top. Setakat version i kira dpt markah paling corot la hihi. Tapi takpe..yg penting anak2 kenyang...dan dpt merasa air tangan mama dia (pujuk hati) :p Dan yg tersangat penting, i takmo susah payah sampai terpaksa kuar lambat pepagi. Tak rela bayar parking mahal wooo
22 January 2014
Easy n quick apple & sausage puff!
Give it a try. I'm sure u gonna love it :)
For the original recipe and descriptive steps by steps, pls refer HERE.
- 1 whole Sheet Puffed Pastry, Cut Into Half Or Thirds
- 4 whole Apples, Cored, Halved, And Sliced, But Not Peeled
- 1 cup Brown Sugar - i used lesser than 1 cup, takut manis sgt
- 1/4 teaspoon Salt
- lemon - half
20 January 2014
The Best and Easiest Macaroni & Cheese!
- 8 oz. (1/2 pound or about 1¾ cups) macaroni or other medium tubular pasta (like penne or conchiglie)* - i used elbow macaroni
- 3 tablespoons butter
- ¼ cup flour
- ½ teaspoon salt - pakai agak2 jer, make sure you don't underSALT your mac n cheese :)
- ½ teaspoon dry mustard - i omit this
- ¼ teaspoon black pepper
- ⅛ teaspoon smoked paprika plus more for sprinkling on top
- 2½ cups 2% milk - i used lesser...agak2 jer
- 3 cups grated medium cheddar cheese* - i used 1 cup + only
- Boil the pasta until al dente, according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cool water to stop the cooking, and return to the pan you boiled it in. Set aside. (Mix in a little butter to keep the noodles from sticking if it’s going to be awhile before you make the sauce)
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
- Over medium heat, melt the butter.
- Add the flour, salt, dry mustard, pepper, and ⅛ teaspoon smoked paprika. Stir constantly over medium heat for about three minutes.
- Stir in the milk.
- Keeping on medium heat, whisk constantly for about 10 minutes, until the sauce thickens.
- Remove from heat, and stir in 2 cups of the cheese, stirring until melted.
- Pour the cheese sauce over the noodles and toss gently until all noodles are covered.
- Add half the noodles to a two quart casserole dish.
- Sprinkle on half the cheese.
- Add the rest of the noodles.
- Sprinkle on the rest of the cheese, and dust lightly with the smoked paprika.
- Bake for about 25-30 minutes, until it starts getting a slightly dry and a tiny bit brown on top. Serve, topping individual servings with cooked, chopped bacon if desired.
17 January 2014
Double chocolate muffin
300 g all purpose flour
80 g cocoa powder
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
250 g granulated sugar
100 g butter, melted
250 ml buttermilk (about 1 cup or 8.45 US fluid ounces)
2 large eggs
150 g dark chocolate (70%), coarsely chopped
Heat oven to 200°c (392F). Prepare a cupcake pan with 12 muffin liners. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt in bowl. Set aside. Mix sugar, butter, buttermilk and eggs in a large bowl. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix until just combined. Stir in chocolate, but save 1/4 of the chocolate to put on top of muffins. Divide batter between 12 liners, filling them completely full. Sprinkle with remaining chocolate pieces. Bake for 18-21 minutes or until a cake tester comes out almost clean.
My review: Delish!! A quick fix to satisfy ur sweet tooth :)
Also perfect for a beginner!
Sambil tunggu muffin bakar buat cardio exercise via youtube. Haha remember the mantra? Health is wealth peeps! Dah mkn byk tu sila lah do something to burn the xtra cals :p
Hepi besday Nek Umi!!
13 January 2014
Roti Arab & Kari Sardin
- 250 g tepung gandum
- 2 sk yis mauripan
- 1 sb susu tepung (jika guna susu segar tak perlu guna susu tepung)
- 1 sb marjerin/mentega - i use buttercup
- 1 sb gula
- 160ml -170 ml air suam (boleh campurkan dgn susu segar) - in my case i just use air suam, however my mil's version mmg campur air suam and susu
- 1/2 sk garam halus
- Satukan yis bersama air suam dan gula. Bancuhkan hingga gula larut. Kemudian biarkan sebentar sehingga yis berbuih. - i rested the yeast for quite a couple of minutes, sempatlah mandi and solat dhuha kejap. Masuk2 dapur terkezut tgk yis tu dah berbuih2 haha
- Di dalam bekas yg agak besar, ayakkan tepung. Satukan dgn garam, susu tepung dan marjerin/mentega. Gaul2kan rata2. Buatkan lubang di tengah2nya, kemudian tuangkan yis tadi. Kacau dan uli hingga menjadi doh yg licin.
- Setelah itu, simpankan doh di dlm bekas yg agak besar dan tutup kemas dgn kain lembab. Biarkan ia naik selama 1 jam. - here comes the multitasking part. i sempat iron baju sekolah and buat keje lain sambil tunggu dough naik :)
- Sementara itu, bolehlah buat kari sardin, kari ikan, kari ayam dsbnya....hehe.
- Keluarkan doh, uli sekali lagi dan bahagikan kpd beberapa bahagian (DJ suka buat yg kecik2 jer lagi kiut..hehe). Bulat2kan doh dan leperkan/canaikan. Jangan terlalu nipis atau terlalu tebal. - i tak buat kecik2 macam kak dayang. buat medium-sized..dptla dlm 11 ketul roti arab.
- Panaskan minyak secukupnya utk menggoreng. Setelah minyak cukup panas, goreng doh tadi satu persatu. Siram2kan roti agar ia naik kembang. Goreng hingga keemasan. Angkat dan toskan. - sambil goreng sambil buat kari sardin :)
- Bolehlah dihidangkan bersama kari sardin atau lauk apa2 jelah...selamat mencuba!