Tapi slalunye orang refer as pancakes.
Kalo mak pak zaman dulu, panggil lempeng je kots.
Whatever the name is, kami anak beranak mmg suka makan pancake.
Normally we eat pancakes with Hershey's chocolate syrup, tapi tadi terjumpa pancake syrup ni dekat Pasaraya Hero kat rumah mak di Ampang...zasss terus beli! RM17.50 per bottle, mahal sehh, tapi untuk mencapai kenikmatan pancake yg sejati punye pasal...tutup mata sajalah :p
Dah invest beli pancake syrup ni, harapan saya lepas ni kuranglah sikit aktiviti brekkie di Mc D hihi.
Pillsbury Pancake Syrup. Saya tak pasti sama ke tidak dgn maple syrup...tapi belasah saje la! Lagipun ada gambar pancake kat botol tuh..so konfem sesuai mkn dgn pancake!
Ok now meh kita jengah resepi pancake yg saya slalu guna. Tak ingat dah source dr mana, its either Nigella's or joyofbaking punyer version :p Insya Allah sedap, walaupun tak se'fluffy' pancake yg kami pernah mkn di Aussie dulu.
1 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbp sugar
1 egg - lightly beaten
1 cup milk
2 tbs unsalted butter- melted
1. Whisk together all the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, whisk egg, milk & butter.
2. Combine both mixture, whisk until just combine.
3. Do not overmix the batter!
4. Cook in a greased non-stick pan until the surface turns slightly brown and small bubbles appear on the top, flip over and continue to cook sampai lah masak :)
Dah buat nanti jgn lupa kasik review yer :)
Happy pancaking peeps!
wah lama tak keluar mesin pancake aku, kena try ni
camne rupa mesin pancake tuh cuba email sket nk tgk hehe. maknanye the machine do all the battering works ke?
hahah no lah yati, aku tersilap, mesin waffle... battering still manual
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